The Clinker Lots of Elizabethtown
The following descriptions are of the so-called 'Clinker Lots' set out by surveyor John Harriman, Jr. and his associates in 1699-1700. These 174 lots include much of the land that is now Westfield, as well as surrounding areas. While the politics of this division are a study in itself, suffice it to say that as the population of Elizabethtown grew, there was a need for more land for the progeny of the first settlers. This survey was one answer to that need.
If anyone has further information about the history of the lots, I will be happy to include it. It is hoped that some material of genealogical significance can be gleaned from the descriptions of the lots and their continguous neighbors. One should keep in mind that not all of the lots were occupied by the original grantee; speculation was, as it is now, common in the Westfield area.
[These records were transcribed from a microfilm of the book, which resides at the Firestone Library at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. Rutgers University, Special Collections section of the Alexander Library has a microfilm copy of the book. The book itself was recorded in an effort to reproduce the original book, which was "lost". Thus it is a copy, in a sense, of the original record. The Clinker Lots, as listed below, are just a small portion of the book, and the interested historian/genealogist is encouraged to view the microfilm at Princeton or Rutgers. ]
A Division of Land upon the Right of Isaac Whitehead Deceasd
(being Number one) Begining at a black Oak Tree mark'd on four sides
from thence Runing Nor:west Seventeen Chane to a white oak tree marked
on four sides from thence runing Nor:East Sixty Chane to a stake standing
three Rods Southwest from the Nor west line between ElizthTown and New-
ark thence Sou: East Seventeen Chane and from thence Sixty Chane to the
first mentioned Black oak Tree. Lying for one hundred Acres be it more
or Less: Bounded on the Sou: East by unsurveyed Land Nor: East and
Sou: west by Land Left for highways and on the Nor: west by the land
of Joshua Clarke Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service December 26th 1699.
A Division of Land laid Out for Joshua Clarke (Being Number 2.)
Begining at a white oak Tree meaked on four sides from thence
Runing Nor: west Sixteen Chanes to A Red oak Tree markt on four
Sides, thence Nor: East Sixty Chane thence Sou: East Sixteen
Chane, and from thence Sixty Chane to the first mentioned
white Oak Tree: Lying for one hundred Acres, be it more or less.
Bounded on the Sou: East by the Land of Isaac Whitehead, Nor:
East and Sou: west by land left for highways, and on the
Nor: west by the land of William Brown. Laid out by me John
Harriman & Company Chosen for that Service. Decembr 26, 1699.
A Division of Land Laid out for William Brown (being Number
Three) Begining at a Red Oak Tree Markt on four sides, from thence
tuning Nor: west Seventeen Chane to a Black Oak Tree Markt on four
Sides, Thence Sixty Chane to the first mentioned Red-Oak-Tree
Lying for One hundred Acres be it more or less, Bounded on the Sou: east
by the Land of Joshua Clarke, Nor: East & Sou: west by land Left for
High-ways, and on the Nor: East & Sou: west by the Land of Jeoffery Jones
Laid Out by me John Harriman and the Rest Company Chosen for that
Service, Decembr 26th 1699.
A Division of Land Laid out for Jeoffery Jones (being Number 4) Begining
at a black oak tree markt on four sides from thence runing Nor: west Eighteen
Chane to Raway River thence runing up sd River as it runs Sixty Chane thence
Sou: East Eighteen Chane and from thence Sou: west Sixty Chane to the
first mentioned Black-Oak-Tree Lying for one hundred acres be it more or
Less, Bounded on the Sou: East by the Land of William Brown Nor: East &
Sou: west by land left for High-ways & on the Nor: west by Raway River.
Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Decem
ber 26th 1699.
A Division of land Laid out for Ephraim Clarke (being Number 5) Begining
at a Stake standing by land left for a High-way from thence runing Sou: westy
Sixty Chane to a White-Oak-Tree markt on four Sides thance Nor west Seventeen
Chane to a walnut tree markt on four sides Thence Nor: East Sixty Chane and
from Thence Seventeen Chane to the first mentioned Stake. Lying for one
hundred Acres be it more or less Bounded in the Sou: East by the land of
Jeremiah Pack Nor: East and Sou: west by land Left for High-ways and on the
Nor: west by the land of Obadiah Sale. Laid out by me John Harriman And Com-
pany Chosen for that Service. Decembr 27th 1699.
A Division of Land laid out for Obadiah Sale (being Number 6) Begining at a
walnut Tree Markt on four sides from thence Runing Nor: west Seventeen Chane
to a Red Oak Tree markt on four Sides thence Nor: East Sixty Chane thence Sou:
East Seventeen Chane and from thence Sixty Chane to the first mentioned Walnut
Tree lying for one hundred Acres be it more or less Bounded on the
Southeasterly by the land of Eph: Clarke Nor: East and Sou: west by land left
for High-ways and on the Nor: west by the land of George Ross Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Decembr 27th 1699.
A Division of land laid out for George Ross (being Numbers 7 & 8) Begining at
a Red Oak Tree markt on four sides from thence Runing Nor: west Thirty five
Chane to a walnut tree markt on four sides Thence Nor: East Sixty Chane thence
Sou: East Thirty five Chane and from thence Sixty Chane to the first mentioned
red oak tree Lying for two hundred Acres be it more or less Bounded on the
Sou: East by the land of Obadiah Sale Nor: East and Sou: west by land left for
highways and on the Nor: West by the land of John Ogden Deceast laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Decemr 27th 1699.
A Division of Land Laid out upon the Right of John Ogden of Elizabethtown
Deceast (being Numbers 10 & 11) Begining at a walnut Tree markt on
four sides from thence Runing Nor: East Sixty Chane thence Nor: west Seventeen
Chane and a half Chane to a Beach Tree markt on four Sides Standing by
Raway River thence Runing Down Sd River one hundred and twenty one
Chane and a half Chane to a pepridge Tree markt on four Sides thence Sou: East
thirty five Chane to a white Oak markt on four Sides Thence Nor: East
Sixty one Chain and a half Chain and from thence to the first mentioned
walnut Tree Lying for three hundred Acres be it more or less after al-
lowance for a highway to pass between the Ninth & Tenth Lots. Boun
ded on the Sou: East by the lands of George Ross and Jonathan Ogden, Nor:
East and Sou: West by land Left for High-ways and on the Nor: west by the
fore sd Raway River. Laid out by me John Harriman and the Company
Chosen for that Service Decemr 27th 1699.
A Division of Land Laid out for Jonathan Ogden (being Number
12) Begining at a white oak Tree and Run Sou: East Seventeen Chane
to a walnut Tree Markt on four sides Thence Nor: East Sixty Chane Thence
Nor: west Seventeen Chane Thence Sou: west Sixty Chane to the first Men-
tioned White Oak Tree Lying for one hundred Acres be it More or less bounded
on the Sou: East by the Land of Peter Covenhoven Nor: East and Sou: west
by land left for High ways and on the Nor: west by the Land on the Right
of John Ogden Deceast laid out by me John Harriman and the Rest of
the Company Chosen for That Service Decemr the 27 1699.
A Division of Land Laid out upon the Right of Peter Covenhoven of
Elizabethtown Deceased (Being Number 13-14) Begining at a wal-
nut Tree Markt on four sides from thence Runing Sou: East thirty-five
Chane to a Stake Thence Nor: East Sixty Chane thence Nor: west thirty
five Chane and from Thence Sixty Chane to the first mentioned Walnut
Tree Lying for Two hundred Acres be it more or less Bounded on the
Sou: East by the Land of Joseph Bond Nor: East and Sou: west by
Land left for High-ways and on the Nor: west by the land of Jona-
than Ogden. Laid out by me John Harriman and the Rest of the
Company Chosen for that Service Decer 27 1699. Memorandum that
the words [the Rest of the] are defaced in line nine of this Return of
Survey because they are not in the Original Return.
A Division of Land laid out for Joseph Bond (being Number 15-16)
Begining at a Stake from thence Runing Sou: East thirty four Chane
and a half Chane to a Chestnut Tree markt on four Sides thence
Nor: East Sixty Chane thence Nor: West thirty four Chane and a
half Chane and from thence Sixty Chane to the first mentioned
Stake Lying for Two Hundred Acres be it more or Less.
Bounded on the Sou: East by unsurvey'd Land Nor: East and Sou: west
by land left for high ways And on the Nor: west by the Land in Right
of Peter Covenhoven Laid out by Me John Harriman and Company Cho-
sen for that Service Decemr 27th 1699.
A Division of land laid out upon the Right of John Baily for the
governor (being Number 17: 18: 19) Begining Near the Land of Ben
jamin Wade from thence Runing Sou: west forty Chane thence Nor: west
Sixty Nine Chane to Raway River thence up Sd River Nor: East forty Chane
And from thence to the first mentioned place Lying for Three hundred A
cres be it more or less Bounded on the South-East by land Not yet sur-
veyed Nor: East and Sou: West by land left for high ways and on the
Nor: west by Raway River. Laid out by me John Harriman and a
Company Chosen for that Service Decemr 30th 1699.
A Division of land laid out for Samuel Carter (being Number 20) Begin
ing at Raway River at a Stake from thence Runing Sou: West down
the River forty Chane thence Sou: East nineteen(?) Chane to a Chestnut
Tree Standing by a Small Brook thence Nor: East forty Chane thence
Nor: west to the first Place by Raway River Lying for one hundred
Acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor: west by Raway River
Nor: East and Sou: west by Land Left for wigh ways and on the
Sou: East by the Land of Jeremiah Crane. Laid out by me John
Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Decer 30: 1699.
A Division of Land Laid out for Jeremiah Crane (Being Number 21)
Begining at a Small Brook and a Chestnut Tree markt on four Sides
from thence Runing Sou: East Twenty five Chane to a Stake thence Nor: East
forty Chain thence Nor: west Twenty five Chane and from thence forty
Chane to the first mentioned Chestnut Tree. Lying for one Hundred Acres be it
more or less Bounded on the Nor: west by the Land of Samuel Carter
Nor: East and Sou: west by Land left for high wayes and on the Sou: East
by the Land of Joseph Meeker. Laid out by me John Harriman and Compa
ny Chosen for that Service Decemr th 30: 1699
A Division of Land laid out for Joseph Meeker (being Number 22. 23.)
Lying in Two places, as will appear by the Survey & Draught of the lotts;-
Number Twenty Two Begining at a Stake from thence Runing Sou: East,
Twenty five Chane to a walnut tree markt on four sides standing by the
Side of a Swamp, thence Nor: East forty Chane, thence Nor: west twenty five
Chain and from thence to the first mentioned Stake; lying for one hundred
Acres be it more or less, Bounded on the Nor: west by the land of Jeremiah
Crane, Nor: East and Sou:west by land left for high ways and on the Sou: East
by un-surveyed Land. Laid out by me John harriman and Company
Chosen for that Service December th 30 1699
Number Twenty Three for Sd Joseph Meeker Begining at the foot of the
South Mountain Near the land belonging to Jeremiah Osborne from thence
runing Sou: west forty Chain to a white Oak Tree markt on four sides from
thence Sou: East Twenty Seven Chain to a white Oak Tree markt on four sides
thence Nor: East forty Chain thence Nor: west Twenty Seven Chane to the first
Place. Lying for one hundred Acres be it more or less, Bounded on the North
by the foot of the Mountain Nor: East and Sou: west by land left for high ways
and on the Sou: West by Abraham Shotwell. Laid out by me John Harriman
and Company Chosen for that Service, January th 3d 1699.
Number 24, for Abraham Shotwell, Begining at a white Oak Tree
markt on four Sides from thence runing Sou: East twenty Eight chain to a
white Oak tree markt on four Sides thence Nor: East fifty Chane thence Nor:
west Twenty Eight Chain and from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned
white Oak Tree Lying for one hundred Acres be it more or less Bounded on the
Nor: west by the land of Joseph Meeker Nor: East and Sou: west by land left
for high ways and the Sou: East by ye land of Joseph Whitehead. Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Janry th 3d 1699/700.
Number 25, for Joseph Whitehead Begining at a white Oak Tree markt on four
Sides, from thence Runing Sou: East Twenty Six Chane and a half Chane Thence
Nor: East forty Chane, thence Nor: west Twenty Six Chane & a half Chane, And
from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned white Oak Tree, Lying for one
hundred Acres be it more or less, Bounded on the Nor: West by the Land of
Abra: Shotwell Nor: East and Sou: west by land left for high ways and on the
Sou: East by unsurveyed land. Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service January th 3d 1699/700.
Number 26, 27, 28, for Thomas Thompson, --------------------------
fell upon the land of Capn Willson, formerly ---------
Number 29 for Samuel Whitehead, Begining at Raway River, one Chane
a half Sou: west from the 25: lot, from thence runing Sou: west forty
Chain, thence Nor: west Twenty Six Chane, thence Nor: East forty Chane
thence Sou: East Twenty Six Chane and from thence to
the first mentioned place. Lying for one hundred Acres be it more or less
Bounded on the Sou; East by un-surveyed land Nor: East and Sou: west by
Land left for high ways, and on the Nor: west by David Woodruff. Laid out
by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Jany th 4 1699/700.
Number 30, for David Woodruff Begining at a Black Oak Tree markt on
four Sides, from thance Runing Nor: west Twenty Six Chane to a white oak Tree
markt on four Sides, Thence Runing Nor: East forty Chane, thence Sou: East
Twenty Six Chane and from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned Tree Lying
for one hundred Acres be it more or less Bounded on the Sou: East by the land
of Samll Whitehead, Nor: East and Sou: west by land left for high ways, and on
the Nor: west by Humphry Spining. Laid out by me John Harriman and
Company Chosen for that Service Jany th 4 1699/700.
Number 31, for Humphry Spining Begining at a White Oak Tree markt
on four Sides, from thence runing Nor: west Twenty Seven Chane to a Stake
Thence Nor: East forty Chane thence Sou: East Twenty Seven Chane and from
thence Sou: west forty Chane to the first mentioned White Oak Tree
Lying for one hundred Acres be it more or less, Bounded on the Sou: East
by the land of David Woodruff Nor: East and Sou: west by land left for
High ways and on the Nor: west by the land of Benjamin Meeker Laid out by
me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Janry 4 1699/700.
Number 32, for Benjamin Meeker; Begining at a Stake from thence Run-
ing Nor: west Twelve Chane & a half Chane to the foot of Mountain, thence Nor:
East Northerly forty Chane, Thence Sou: East Twenty five Chane and from thence
to the first mentioned Stake; lying for Seventy Acres be it more or less,
Bounded on the Sou: East by Humphry Spining, Nor: East and Sou: west by
land left for High ways and on the Nor: west by the foot of the Moun
tain Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for That
Service Janry th 4 1699/700.
Number 33. 34. for Matthias Hetfield Deceast Begining at the foot
of the mountain near the 32 lot from thence runing Sou: west fo---
Chane to a white Oak tree markt on four Sides, thence Sou: East fifty Chane
to a nother white Oak Tree markt on four sides, thence Nor: East for----
Chane and from thence fifty Chane to the first Place. Lying for two
hundred acres be it more or less.
Bounded on the Nor: west by the Mountain foot Nor: East and Sou: west
by land left for High ways, and on the Sou: East by the land of David Ogden
laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Jan 4
Number 35 for David Ogden Begining at a White Oak Tree markt
on four sides from thence Runing Sou: west Twenty Five Chane to
a White Oak Tree markt on four Sides thence Sou: East forty Chane
----------------------------------------------Chane to the
place first mentioned-------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------Matthais Hetfield Nor:
East and Sou: West by the land left for High ways and on the Nor: west
by the land of Jonas Wood and Nathaniel ----- Laid out by
me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service Janry th 10
Lot 36 for Jonas Wood Begining at a white oake tre markt on four
sides and from thence runing Sou: East
fifty one chane thance Nor: East twenty chane thence Nor:West fifty one chane to a white oake tre markt
on four sides and from thence Sou:West twenty chane to the first mentioned white oake tre
Lying for one hundred acres be it more or less Bounded on the Nor:Westby the
land of James Crane [this name is very tough to decipher] Sou:West
by land left for highways Nor:East by the Land of Nathaniel Tuttle
and Sou:East by unsurveyed land Laid out my me
John Harriman and Company chosen for that service January the 10th 1699/700
Number 37 for Nathaniel Tuttle Begining at a white oak Tree markt on
four sides from thence Runing Sou: East fifty one Chane thence Nor: East
Twenty Chane thence Nor: west fifty one Chane to a white Oak Tree markt
on four Sides and from thence Sou: west twenty Chane to the first men
tioned white Oak Tree Lying for one hundred acres be it more or less
Bounded on the Nor: west by the Land of David Ogden Sou: west by ye
Land of Jonas Wood Sou: East By unsurveyed Land and on the Nor:
East by Land Left for a highway Laid out By me John Harriman and
Company Chosen for that Service January y 10 1699/700.
Number 38.39. For Barnabas Hinds Begining at the -- of the
Great Swamp Neare the Sou: East Corner of the thirty sixth Lot
From thence Runing Sou: west forty Chane to a Black Oak Tree
markt thence North west twenty five Chane to a Chestnut Tree
markt in four Sides thence Nor: East forty Chane thence Sou:
East Twenty five Chane to ye first mentioned Corner. the 39 Lot
Begining at ye for sd Chesnut Tree and run Nor: west Twenty five
Chane to a Walnut Tree mark on foure sides thence Nor East forty
Chane thence Sou East Twenty five Chane and from thence forty Chane
to the first mentioned Chesnut Tree. the two Lots Lying for Two
hundred acres be it more or less Bounded on the Sou: East
Sou: west and Nor: East by Land Left for highways and on the
Nor: west by ye Land of Benj: Price Laid out by me John
Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service January ye 10th
Number 40 for Benjamin Price Juner Begining a walnut Tree
markt on foure sides form thence Runing Nor:west Twenty six
Chane thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East Twenty Six Chane
and from thence forty Chane to ye first mention walnut Tree
Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the
Sou:East By Barnabs Hinds Nor:East and Sou:West By Land Left
for highways and on the Nor: West By ye Land of Roger Lambert
Laid out by me John herriman abd ye Company Chosen for
that Service January the 10 - 1699 -/700
Number 41 for Roger Lambert Begining at a white oak Tree markt on
foure Sides from thence Runing Nor: West Twenty Six Chain to a Walnut
Tree markt in foure sides thence Nor East forty Chane thence Sou
East Twenty Six Chane and from thence forty Chane to the first -
mentioned Tree Lying for one hundred Acres be it more or Less
Bounded in the Sou: East By Benj: price Nor East and Sou: West By
Land Left for highways and on the Nor: West By the foot of ye mountain
Laid out by me John herriman and Company Chosen for that -
Service January the:10 - 1699/700
Number 42: for Abraham Lawramce Begining Neare the Sou: West
Corner of the 41 Lot at ye foot of mountain from thence
Runing Sou west forty Chane thence Sou: East Twenty five
Chane to a Black Oak Tree markt in four Sides thence Nor: East
forty Chane thence Nor: west Twenty five Chane to ye first
mentioned Corner Lying for one hundred acres Be it more or
Less Bounded on the Nor: west By ye foot of ye mountain Nor: East
and Sou: west By Land Left for highways and on the Sou: East By
the Governors Land Laid out by me John herriman and Company
Chosen for that Service January the 10 - 1699/700
Number 43.44:45 46 47 and 48 The Governors Two third Lots Begining
at a Black oake Tree markt in foure Sides from thence Runing Sou: East
one hundred and nine Chane to a white oake Tree markt on foure Sides thence
Nor: East forty Chane thence Nor: west one hundred thirty three Chane and from
thence Sou: west forty Chane to ye first mention Black Oake Tree Lying for
foure hundred acres be it more ot Less Bounded on the Sou: East Nor:East and
Sou:west by Land for highways and on the Nor: west By the Land of Abraham Law-
ronce. The 47 and 48 Lots A fore to Begining Six Rods from the Sou East
Corner of the 46 Lot and Run Sou:west forty Chane to a Chesnut Tree markt
on four Sides from thence Runing Nor: West fifty foure Chane to a
Black oak Tree markt on foure Sides thence Nor East forty Chane thence
Sou:East fifty foure Chane to the first mentioned place Lying for
Two hundred acres be it more or Less Bound on the Nor west By the Land of
John hinds the whole six hundred acres Laid out By me John herriman
and Company Chosen for that Service January th 20 1699/700
Number 49 for John hinds Begining at a Black oak Tree markt on foure
Sides from thence Runing Nor West Twenty Six Chane and one Rod to
a Chesnut Tree markt on foure Sides Thence Nor: East forty Chane thence
Sou:East Twenty Six Chane and one Rod and from thence Sou:west forty
Chane to the first mentioned Black oak Tree Lying for one hundred
acres Be it more or Less bounded in the Sou East By the Governors 48
Lot Nor East and Sou west by Land Left for high ways and on the Nor -
west By the Land of Robert White Laid out By me John herriman and
Company Chosen for that Service Januayr ye 20 1699/700
Number 50 and 51 for Robert White Deceased: Begining at a Chesnut
Tree markt in foure Sides from thence Nor West fifty foure Chane to a
Black oak Tree markt on foure Sides Standing By ye foot of the mountain
thence Nor-East forty Chane thence Sou:East fifty foure Chane and from
thence Sou West forty Chane to ye first mentioned Chesnut Tree
Lying for Two hundred acres Be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou East
By the Land of John Hinds Nor East and Sou west By Land Left for
highways and on the Nor West by the foot of ye mountain Laid out By
me John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January th 20
Number 52 and 53 for Capt John Backer Begining at the foot of the moun
tain Six Rods Sou West from the Corner of the 51 Lot from thence Runing
Sou West forty Chane thence Sou:East Sixty Chane to a white oak
Tree markt on foure Sides thence Nor East forty Chane Nor west Sixty
Chane to the first mentioned place Lying for two Hundred acres Be
it more or Less Bounded on the Nor West By ye foot of the mountain
Nor East and Sou west By Land Left for high way and on the Sou East
By By the Land of Mordecae Burnat Laid out By John herriman and
Company Chosen for that Service January th 20- 1699/700
Number 54 for Mordecae Burnat Begining at a white oak Tree markt on
foure Sides from thence Runing Sou East Twenty Six Chane and one Rod
to a walnut Tree markt on foure Sides from thence Nor:East forty Chane
thence Nor west Twenty Six Chane and on Rod and from thence Sou west
forty Chane to the first mentioned white oak Tree Lying for on hund
red acres Be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor: west By the Land of
Capt John Backer Nor East and Sou:West By Land Leaft for highways
and on the Sou:East By the Land of William Looker Laid out By me John
herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January the 20 1699/700
Number 55 and 56 for William Looker Begining at a walnut Tree
markt on Foure Sides from thence Runing Sou East fifty Two Chane to
a White oake Tre markt on foure Sides from thence Nor East forty Chane
thence Nor west fifty Two Chane and from thence Sou West forty Chane
to the first mentioned walnut Tre Lying for Two hundred acres Be it
more or Less Bounded on the Nor west By ye Land of Mordecae Burnat
Nor East and Sou west by Land Left for high ways Laid out By me
John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January th 20 1699/700
Number 57 for Peter Morse Begining Six Rods Sou West from the Sou East Corner
of 56 Lot and from thence Runing Sou west forty Chane to a maple Tre markt on
foure Sides from thance Nor west Twenty Six Chane to a white oak Tre markt on
foure Sides thance Nor East forty Chane thence Sou East Twenty Six Chane to ye
first mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres Be it more or Less Bounded on
the Sou East Nor East and Sou west By Land Left for highwayes and on the Nor-
west By the Land of Nathaniel Whitehead Laid out By me John herriman and
and Company Chosen for that Service January the 21 - 1699/700
Number 58 for Nathaniel Whitehead Begining at a white Oakt Tre markt
on foure Sides from thence Runing Nor west Twenty five Chane to a white oak
Tre markt in foure Sides thence Nor East forty Chane thence Sou East Twenty
five Chane and from thence Sou west forty Chane to the first mentioned
white oak Tre Lying for one hundred acres Be it more or Less Bounded on
the Sou East By the Land of Peter Morss Nor East and Sou west By Land
Left for highwayes and on the Nor West By the Land of John Brocket Laid
out by me john herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January 21 1699
Number 59-60-and 61 upon John Brocket Right for Samuel Hopkins
Begining at a white oake Tre markt on foure Sides from thence Runing
Nor west Eighty Two Chane to a chesnut tre markt on foure Sides Standing
Neare ye mountain thence Nor East forty Chane thence South East Eighty
Two Chane and from thence forty Chane to the First mentioned white oake
Tre Lying for three hundred acres Be it more or Less Bounded on the
Sou East By the Land of Nathaniel Whitehead Nor East and South west
By Land Left for highways and on the Nor west By the foot of ye moun
-tain Laid out by me John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service
January the 21 1699/700
Number 62 for William Miller Begining at the foot of the mountain
Six Rods from the Sou west Corner of the 61 Lot from thence Runing Sou west
forty Chane to a smal walnut Tre markt on foure Sides thence Sou East
Thirty Chane to another walnut Tre thence Nor East forty Chane thence
Nor west Thirty Chane to ye first mentioned Corner Lying for one hundred
acres Be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor west By the Edg or foot of ye
mountain Nor East and South west By Land Left for highways and
on the Sou East By the Land of Joseph Lyon Laid out By me John
herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January the 21-1699/700
Number 63 for Joseph Lyon Begining at a smal walnut Tre markt on
soure Sides from thence Runing Sou East Twenty Six Chane to a Stake======
markt on foure Sides from thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor west
Twenty Six Chane and from thence Sou west forty Chane to the first mention
ed walnut Tre Lying for one hundred acres Be it more or Less
Bounded on the Nor west by William Miller Nor East and Sou west By
Land Left for highways and on ye Sou East By ye Land of John Thompson
Laid out By me John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service
January the 21-1699/700
Number 64 for John Thompson Begining at Stake from Thence Runing Sou
East Twenty Six Chane to a walnut Tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor
East forty Chane thence Nor west Twenty Six Chane and from thence forty
Chane to ye first mentioned placee Lying for one hundred acres Be it
more of Less Bounded on the Nor west By the Land of Joseph Lyon Nor East and
Sou west by Land Leaft for high wayes and on the Sou East by the Land of John
herriman Jr Laid out By me John herriman and Company Chosen for that
Service January th 21-1699/700
Number 65 for John herriman Juner Begining at a walnut Tre markt
on foure Sides from thence Sou East twenty five Chane to a graat white
oake Tre markt on foure Sides from thence Nor East forty Chane
thence Nor west twenty five Chane and from thence forty Chane to
the first mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the Nor
west By ye Land of John Thompson Nor East and Sou west By Land Left
for highwayes and on the Sou East By ye Land of Ebenezer Lyon Laid
out By me John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service
January th 21-1699/700
Number 66 for Ebenezer Lyon Begining at a Great White oake
Tre markt on foure Sides from thence Runing Sou East Twenty five
Chane to a white oake tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty
Chane thence Nor:west Twenty five Chane and from thence forty
Chane to the first mentioned White oake Tre Lying for one
hundred acres Bounded on the Nor:west By the Land of John herriman
Nor:East and Sou:west By Land Left for highwayes and Sou:East By
Land Left for highwayes Laid out By me John herriman and
Company Chosen for that Service January th 21- 1699/700
Number 67 for John Woodrufe Begining Six Rods from the Sou:East
Corner of the Sixtey Six Lot from thence Runing Sou:west forty
Chane to a white oake Tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:west Twen-
tey five Chane to a white oake Tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:
East forty Chane and from thence Twenty five Chane to ye first
mention Corner Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on ye
Sou:East North East and Sou:west by Land Left for highwayes
and on ye Nor: West By the Land of Abraham hatfeild Laid out By
me John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January
the 22-1699/700
Number 68 for Abraham hatfeild Begining at a white oake Tre markt
on foure Sides thence Nor:West twenty Six Chane to a maple Tre markt
on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty Six
Chane and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned white oake tre
Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded in the Sou:East by
the Land of John Woodrufe Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Left for
highways and on the Nor:West by ye Land of Robert wolley Laid out by
me John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January th 22
Number 69 for Robert Woolley Begining at a maple Tre markt on foure
Sides thence Nor:West twenty Six Chane to another maple tre markt
on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty Six
Chane and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned maple Tree
Lying for one hundred acres be it mote or Less Bounded on ye Sou:East by
Abraham hatfeild Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highways
and Nor:West by ye Land of William hill Laid out by me John herri
-man and Company Chosen for that Service January the 22 1699-700
Number 70 for WIlliam Hill Begining at a maple Tre markt on foure sides from
thence Runing Nor west twenty six Chane to a white oake Tree markt on
foure Sides thence Nor East forty Chane thence South East twenty six Chane
and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned maple tre Lying for one
hundred acres be it more or Leass Bounded on the Sou East by ye Land of
Robert Woolley Nor East and Sou West by Land Leaft for highwayes and
on the Nor west by Capt Bollen Laid out By me John Harriman and
Company Chosen for that Service January the 22-1699-700
Number 71-72 & 73 for Capt Bollen Begining at a whit oake Tre markt
on foure Sides from thence Runing Nor West fifty six Chane to a white oake
tre markt on foure Sides Standing Near the foot of ye mountain thence
Nor East forty Chane thence Sou East fifty six Chane and for thence forty
Chane to ye first mentioned Corner Lying for Two hundred acres be it more or
Less Bounded on the Sou East by ye Land of William Hill Nor East and
Sou west By Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Nor:West by the foot
of the mountain: the 73 Lot above Sd Begining six Rods from the Sou west
Corner of the 72 Lot at the foot of ye mountain from thence Runing
Sou West forty Chane to a Small White oake tre markt on foure Sides
from thence Sou:East twenty Eight Chane to a Small Walnut tre markt
on foure Sides thence Nor East forty Chane and from thence Nor West
twenty Eight Chane to ye first mentioned Corner Lying for one hundred
acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor West by the foot of the Moun
-tain Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:
East by ye Land of William Cramer Junr the Whole Three Lots Laid out
By me John harriman and COmpany Chosen for that Service January
the 22:1699-700
Number 74 for William Cramer Junr Begining at a Smal Walnut Tre markt on
foure Sides thence Runing Sou East twenty Nine Chane to a walnut tre markt
on foure sides from thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor:West twenty
Nine Chane and from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned walnut tre
Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor West by ye
Land of Capt Bollen Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes
and on the Sou:East by the Land of William Cramer Sener Laid out by me
John herriman and Company Chosen for that Service January the 22:1699-700
Number 75 for William Cramer Senier Begining at a Walnut tre markt on foure
Sides from thence Runing Sou:East twenty Nine Chane to another Walnut tre
markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor:west twenty
Nine Chane and from thence __________forty Chane to the first mentioned
place Lying for one hundred acres be it more of Less Bounded on the Nor:
West by Land of William Cramer Junr Nor:East and Sou:West by Land
Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:East by The Towne Lots etc:Laid out by
me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service January the 22:1699-700
Number 76:77:& 78 for the Town etc Begining at a walnut Tre markt
on foure sides from thence Sou:East Seventy Six Chane to a Great Chesnut tre
markt on foure sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor:West Seventy
six Chane and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned walnut tre Lying
for thre hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:West by ye Land
of William Cramer Senir Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes
and on the Sou:East by Denis Moris Land Laid out by me John harriman and
Company Chosen for that Service January the 22:1699-700
Number 79 for Denis Morris Begining at a Great Chesnut Tre markt on foure
Sides from thence Runing Sou:East twenty five Chane to a Stake thence Nor:East
forty Chane thence Nor:West twenty five Chane and from thence forty Chane to
the first mentioned Chesnut tre Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the
Nor:West by ye 78 Lot Nor:East and Sou:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for
highwayes Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service
January the 23 1699-700
Number 80: for Thomas More Begining Six Rods Sou:West from the Sou:
East Corner of:79: Lot from thence SSou:West forty Chane to a White oake
Tre markt on foure Sides Standing by a Brook thence Nor:west twenty five
Chane thence Nor:East forty Chane and from thence twenty five Chane
to ye first place Lying for one hundred acres Bounded Nor:East Sou:East
and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Nor:west by the Land
of Joseph Sayrs Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service January the 23: 1699-700
Number 81:82: for Joseph Sayrs Begining at a White oake Tre markt on foure
Sides from thence Runing Nor:West fifty one Chane to a Red oake Tre markt on
foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East fifty one Chane and
from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned white oake Tre Lying for two
hund-red acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by Thomas More Nor:
East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Nor:West by ye
Land of John Megie Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service January the 23 1699-700
Number 83 for John Megie Begining at a Red oake Tre markt on foure sides
thence Nor:West twenty Nine Chane to a small Red oake Tre markt on foure sides
thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty Nine Chane thence forty
Chane to the first mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres be it more
or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by the Land of Joseph Sayre Nor:East and
Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes and Nor:West by the Land of Benjamin
Lyon Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service
January the 23:1699-700
Number 84: for Benjamin Lyon Begining at a Small Red oake Tre markt on
foure Sides from thence Nor:West twenty Nine Chane to a white oake
Tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East
Twenty Nine Chane and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned
place Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East
by John Megie Nor East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes and on
the Nor:west by ye Land of John Woodroufe Deceast Laid out by me John
harriman and Company Chosen for that Service January the 23:1699-700
Number 85:86: for John Woodroufe Deceast Begining at a white oake tre
markt on foure Sides from thence Nor:West fifty Six Chane to a peprige
tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor East forty Chane thence Sou:East fifty
Six Chane thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned white oake tre Lying
for two hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by Ben-
jamin Lyon Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and
Nor:West by ye foot of ye mountain Laid out by me John harriman and
Company Chosen for that Service January the 23-1699-700
Number 87:88:89 for William Nicols Begining at the foot of the moun-
tain Sou:West Six Rods from the pepridge Tre Being the Corner of the
86 Lot from thence Runing Sou:West forty Chane thence Sou:East
Seventy Eight Chane to a Small Red oake tre markt on foure Sides thence
Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor:West Seventy Eight Chane to the first
mentioned place Lying for Thre hundred acres be it more or Less
Bounded on the Nor:West by the foot of the mountain Nor:East and
and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:East by
the Land of Nathaniel Bonnel Laid out by me John harriman and
Company Chosen for that Service January the 23:1699-700
Number:90: for Nathaniel Bonnel Begining at a Small Red oake tre
markt on foure Sides from thence Runing Sou:East twenty five Chane to
a small walnut tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane
thence Nor:west twenty five Chane thence forty Chane to the first men-
tioned place Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded
on the Nor:West by the Land of William Nicols Nor:East and Sou:west
by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:East by the Land of Richard Beech
Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service
January the 23 1699-700
Number 91:92 for Richard Beech Begining at a Small walnut Tre markt on
foure Sides thence Sou:East fifty two Chane to a white oake tre markt on
foure sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor:West fifty two Chane and
from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned place Lying for two hundred
acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:West by the Land of Nathaniel
Bounel Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:
East by ye Land of Thomas Young Laid out by me John Harriman and Com-
pany Chosen for that Service January the 25-1699-700
Number 93: 94:for Thomas Young Begining at white oake Tre markt on foure
Sides from thence Runing Sou:East twenty five Chane and a half Chane to a
White oake tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence
Nor:west twenty five Chane and a half Chane and from thence forty Chane to the
first mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the Nor:west by
the Land of Richard Beech Nor:East Sou:East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for
Number 94 Begining Six(?) Rods Sou:West from the Sou:East Corner of the 93 Lot
from thence Nor:West(?) ----Chane to a white oake tre thence Nor:West twenty
seven Chane to a black oake tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty
Chane thence Sou:East twenty seven Chane to the first mentioned place Lying
for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:East Sou:East and
Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and Nor:west by Nathaniel Lyon
Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service January
25 1699-700
Number 95 for Nathaniel Lyon Begining at a Black oake Tre markt on foure
Sides and from Thence Runing Nor:West twenty seven Chane to a walnut
Tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East(?) forty Chane thence Sou:East
twenty seven Chane and from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned
place Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East
by ye Land of Thomas Young Nor:East and Sou:west by ye Land Leaft for
highwayes and Nor:west by Land of Moses Thompson Laid out by me John harriman
and Company Chosen for that Service January the 25 1699-700
Number 96:97 for Moses Thompson Begining at a walnut Tre markt on
foure Sides thence Nor:West fifty Chane----------to a walnut tre markt
on foure Sides-----Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:east fifty Chane and
a half Chane----from thence forty Chane to the first mentioned place Lying
for one(?) hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by ye Land
of Nathaniel Lyon Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and
Nor:West by George Morris Laid out by me John harriman and Company
Chosen for that Service February the 18 1699-700
Number 98 for George Morris Begining at a walnut Tre markt on foure Sides from
thence Sou:west(?) twenty seven Chane to a ----tre markt on foure Sides thence
Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty seven Chane and from thence
forty Chane to ye first mentioned walnut tre Lying for one hundred acres be
it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by ye Land of Moses Thompson Nor:East
and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and Nor:west by Joseph Halsey Laid
out by me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february the
18 1699-700
Number 99 for Joseph Halsey Begining at a Red oake Tre markt on foure
Sides from thence Nor:west twenty five Chane and a half Chane to a walnut
tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty
five Chane and a half Chane and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned
Red oake tre Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less bounded on the
Sou:East by George Morris Nor:East and Sou:west by Lands Leaft for highwayes
and on the Nor:West by the Land of Benjamin Ogden Laid out by me John harriman
and Company Chosen for that Service february the 18:1699-700
Number 100 for Benjamin Ogden Begining at a walnut tre markt on foure Sides
from thence Runing Nor:West twenty eight Chane to a Black oake tre markt
on foure Sides from thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty Eight
Chane and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned Walnut tre Lying for
one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by Land of Joseph
Halsey Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes and in the Nor:west
by the foot of the mountain Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service february the 18:1699-700
Number 101:102 for John harriman Begining at ye foot of the mountain Six
Rods Sou:West from ye Corner of ye 100 Lot thence Runing Sou:west forty Chane
thence Sou:East fifty Nine Chane to a Red oake tre markt on foure Sides
thence nor:East forty Chane and from thence Nor:West fifty Nine Chane
to ye first Corner Lying for two hundred acres be it more or Less
Bounded on the Nor:West by ye foot of ye mountain Nor:East and Sou:
:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:East by ye Land of
Benjamin price Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service february the 19:1699-700
Number 103:104:105 for Benjamin price Begining at a Black oake
tre markt on foure Sides from thence Sou:East seventy seven Chane to a
maple tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor:
:West Seventy Seven Chane and from thence forty Chane to the first
mentioned Corner Lying for thre hundred acres be it more or Less Bound
-ed on the Nor:west by ye Land of John harriman Nor:East and Sou:west
by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:East by ye Land of John allin
Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service
february the 19:1699-700
Number 106: for John allin Begining at a maple Tre markt on foure Sides
from thence Runing Sou:East twenty eight Chane to a Great Stone and a
heap of Stones upon it thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Nor:west
twenty eight Chane thence forty Chane to the first mentioned maple tre
Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:west
by ye Land of Benjamin price Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Leaft for high-
wayes and on the Sou:East by unsurveyd Land Laid out by ne John harri-
-man and Company Chosen for that Service february the 19:1699-700
Number 107: for Jacob Mitchel Begining at Woodbridg Line Neare a Small
Tract of Clear Land from thence Runing West fifty foure Chane to a
white oake tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor West twenty Chane to a
Great white oake tre markt on foure Sides thence Nor East forty Chane
to the Land of Benjamin price and from thence fifty nine Chane to the first
mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Boun-
-ded on the Nor:west by the Land of frances Barber and six rods to be
Taken of ye Nor:East Side to be Leaft for a highwaye Laid out by me
John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february the 19 1699-700
Number 108: for Frances Barber Begining at a Great White oake tre markt on
foure Sides thence Nor:West twenty Nine Chane to a white oake tre markt on
foure Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty Nine Chane
and from thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned white oake tre Lying for
one hundred acres be it more or Less bounded on the South East by the Land
of Jacob Mitchel Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and
on the Nor:west by ye Land of Nicoles Carter Laid out by me John harriman
and Company Chosen for that Service february the 19:1699-700
Number 109: for Nicoles Carter Begining at a white oake tre markt on foure
Sides from thence Nor:West thirty Chane to a smal walnut tre markt on foure
Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence Sou:East thirty Chane and from thence
forty Chane to the first mentioned Place Lying for one hundred acres be it
more or Less Bounded on the South East by frances Barber Nor:East and Sou:West
by Land Leaft for highwayes and on Nor:West by William Oliver Laid out by me
John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february the 19:1699-700
Number 110 for William Oliver Begining at a walnut tre markt on foure Sides
from thence Runing Nor:west Thirty Chane to a pepridge Tre markt on foure
Sides thence Nor:East forty Chane thence South East Thirty Chane thence forty
Chane to the first mentioned walnut tre Lying for one hundred acres be it more
or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by the Land of Nicoles Cater Nor:East and
Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Nor:West by unsurveyd
Land Laid out by me John harriman and COmpany Chosen for that Service
february the 19:1699-700
Number 111:112: for John Gray Begining at Woodbridg Line and from
thence Runing Nor:East Ninety Chane To a Stake thence Sou:East twenty
Seven Chane to a Black oake tre markt on foure Sides thence Sou:west
sixety two Chane and from thence to the first mentioned place Lying
for two hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:West and
Nor:East and South by Land Leaft for highwayes Laid out by me John har-
-riman and Company Chosen for that Service february the 20:1699-700
Number 113: for William Johnson Begining at a Black oake Tre markt
on foure Sides from thence Sou:East twenty Eight Chane To a Butternut
tre in ye Edg of ye Ash Swamp thence Sou:west fourtten Chane to Wood-
bridg line thence West fifty one Chane and from thence to the first men-
tioned Black oake tre Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less
Bounded on the South by Land Leaft for a highway Nor:West by the Land
of John Gray Nor:East by Land Leaft for a highway and on the Sou:
East by unsurveyd Land Laid out by me John harriman and Company
Chosen for that Service february the 20:1699-700
Number 114 for Samuel Willis Begining at the Edg of the Ash Swamp
thence Nor:East forty Chane to a Red Oake Tre markt on foure Sides thence
Nor:West twenty Six Chane to a Beech Tre markt on foure Sides thence
Sou:West forty Chane and from thence Sou:East twenty Six Chane
to the first place Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less -
Bounded on the Sou:East by unsurveyd Land Nor:East and Sou:west
by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Nor:West by ye Land of John
Brocket Junr Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service february the 20-1699-700
Number 115:116: for John Brocket Junr Begining at a Beech Tre markt on
four Sides from thence Runing Nor:west twenty five Chane to a ----tre
thence Sou:west forty Chane thence Sou:East twenty five Chane and from
thence forty Chane to ye first mentioned Beech tre Lying for one hundred
acres Bounded on the Sou:East by ye Land of Samuel Willis Nor:East Nor:
West and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes The 116 Lot Begining
at ye Nor:West Corner of the 115: Lot and Run Nor:East forty one Chane
and a half Chane to a Stake thence Sou:East twenty Seven Chane to a Smal
Walnut tre markt thence SouWest forty Chane and from thence twenty
Seven Chane to the first mentioned place. Lying for one hundred acres
be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:West Nor.West and Nor:East by Land
Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:East by ye Land of Joseph Osborn the fore
-Sd two Lots Laid out by me John harriman and Company Chosen for that
Service february the 20-1699-700
Number.117: for Joseph orsborn Beginning at a smale walnut Tre markt on
foure Sides from thence Sou:East twenty six Chane thence Sou:West forty Chane
thence Nor:West twenty six Chane and from thence forty Chane to the first
place Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:West
by John Brocket Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and on ye
Sou:East by Henry Norris Laid ou by me John harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service february the 20-1699-700
Number:118:119 for Henry Norris Beginning at a Stake from thence South
East twenty Seven Chane to a maple Tre markt on foure Sides Standing
in the Edg of ye ash Swamp thence Sou:West forty Chane thence Nor:
west twenty Seven Chane and from thence forty Chanes to the first
mentioned Stake Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded
on the Nor:west by ye Land of Joseph orsborn Nor:East and west by
Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Sou:East by unsurveyd Land the 119:
Lot aforeSd Begining at Woodbridg Line to the Eastward of the Ash Swamp
from thence Runing East fifty six Chane thence Nor:West forty seven-
Chane and a half Chane to a white oake tre markt on foure Sides thence
Sou:West forty Chane thence Sou:East to the first mentioned place-
Lying for one hundred acres be it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:East
and Sou:west by Land Leaft for highwayes and on the Nor:West by ye
Land of Simon Rouse Laid out by me John harriman and Company
Chosen for that Service february the 20-1699-700
Number 120 for Simon Rouse Begining at a White oake tre
markt on foure Sides from thence Nor:West twenty Chain to
a Dogwood tre markt on foure Sides thence Sou:west forty Chane
Thence Sou:East Twenty Chane and from Thence forty Chane to ye
first mentioned white oake Tre Lying for one hundred acres be it
more or Less Bounded on the Sou East by the Land of henry Norris
Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Left for highwayes and on the -
Nor:west by the Land of Andrew hamton Laid out by me John
harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february th 21 1699-700
Number 121: for Andrew hampton Begining at a Dogwood Tre
markt on foure Sides thence Nor:west Twenty Chane to a Red
oake Tre markt on foure Sides Thence Sou:west forty Chence thence
Sou:East Twenty Chane and from thence forty Chane to the
first mentioned Dogwood tre Lying for one hundred acres be
it more or Less Bounded on the Sou:East by the Land of Simon
Rouse Nor:East and Sou:west by Land Left for highwayes and
on the Nor:West: By the Land of William Meker Laid out By me
John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february
the 21: 1699-700
Number 122: 123: 124 for William Meeker Beginning
at a Red oak tree Markt on four sides from thence Nor:
West Seventy Chane to a small walnut Tree markt on
four Sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Sou:East
Seventy Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first
mentioned Red oak Tree Lying for three hundred Acres
be it more or Less Bounded on the Sou: East by the Land
of Andrew Hampton Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left
for High ways and on the Nor:West by the Land of Robert -
Bond Deceased Laid out by me John Harriman and Company
Chosen for that Service February the 21st:1699-1700
Number 125:126:127: for Robert Bond Deceased Beginning at
a Small walnut tree markt on four Sides thance Nor:West
Seventy Eight Chain to a stake thence Sou:West forty Chain
thence Sou:East Seventy Eight Chain and from thence forty
Chain to the first mentioned corner Lying for three hundred
acres be it more or Less. Bounded on the South:East by the
land of William Meeker Nor:East and Sou:West by Land
Left for high ways and Nor:west by the Land of George Thorp
Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for
that Service February the 21:1699:700
Number 128: for George Thorp Beginning at a stake standing by a
black oak tree thence Nor:West twenty five Chain to a white
oak tree markt on four Sides thence Sou:West forty Chain
thence Sou:East twenty five Chain and from thence forty Chain
to the first mentioned Corner. Lying for one hundred Acres.
Bounded on the Sou:East by Robert Bond Nor:East and Sou:West
by Land left for high ways and on the Nor:West by Unsurveyd
Land Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for
that Service February 21:1699-700
Number 129: for John Dickenson. Deceased. Beginning at a Stake
standing eight Chain Nor:West from the Nor:West Corner of the 128 Lot
from thence Nor:East forty Chain to a white oak tree thence Sou:
East twenty Seven Chain to a Black oak tree markt on four
sides thence Sou:west forty Chain and from thence Nor:West to the
first Mentioned Corner Lying for one hundred Acres be it more
or less Bounded on the Nor:West Nor:East and Sou:West by Land
left for high ways and on the Sou:East by the Land of John
Pearce Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen
for that Service February the 24th:1699-700
Number 130: for John Pears Beginning at a Black Oak tree
Markt on foure Sides from thence Running Sou:East twenty Six
Chain to a Red Oak tree markt on foure sides thence Sou:west forty
Chain thcne Nor:West twenty six Chain and from thence forty Chain
to the first mentioned Black oak tree Lying for one hundred Acres
be it more or Less bounded on the Nor:West by the Land of John
Dickenson Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for high ways and
on the South East by the Land of John Parker Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen to that Service
February the 24th 1699-700
Number 131 for John Parker Beginning at a Red oak tree
markt on foure sides from thence Running Sou:East twenty five
Chain and a half Chain to a white oak tree markt on four
sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Nor:west twenty five
Chain and a half Chain and from thence forty Chain to the
first mentioned Red oak tree Lying for one hundred Acres be
it more or Less Bounded on the Nor:West by the Land of John
Pears Nor:East and Sou:west by Land left for high ways and
on the Sou:East by the Land of Samuel Oliver Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company chosen for that Service February 24th
Number 132 for Samuel Oliver beginning at white oak tree
markt on four sides from thence Running Sou:East twenty seven
Chain to another white oak tree thence Sou:west forty Chain thence
Nor:West twenty seven Chain and from thence forty Chain to the
first mentioned white oak tree Lying for one hundred acres be it
more or less:Bounded on the Nor:west by the Land of John
Parker Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for highways and
on the Sou:East by Samuel Clarke Laid out by me John
Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service February 24th 1699-700
Nunber 133 for Samuel Clarke Beginning at a white oak
tree markt on four sides from thence Sou:East twenty six Chain to
another white oak tree markt on four sides thence Sou:West
forty Chain thence Nor:West twenty six Chain and from thence
forty Chain to the first mentioned white oak tree Lying for one
hundred acres be it more or less: Bounded on the Nor:West by the
Land of Samuel Oliver Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for
high ways and on the Sou:East by the Land of Leanard Headly
laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service
February the 24th 1699-700
Number 134 for Leonard Headly Beginning at a white oak tree
markt on four sides from thence Runnin Sou:East twenty five
Chain to a walnut tree markt on four Sides thence Sou:West
forty Chain thence Nor:West twenty five Chain and from
thence forty Chain to the first mentioned white oak tree Con-
taining one hundred acres Bounded on the Nor:West by the Land
of Samuel Clarke Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for
highways and on the Sou:East by Unsurveyed Land laid out by
me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service February 24:1699-700
Number 135 for John gould Beginning six Rods Nor:East
from the Corner of the 134 Lot from thence Running Nor:East
forty Chain to a stake thence Nor:West twenty five Chain to a
white oak tree markt on four sides thence Sou:West forty Chain
and from thence twenty five Chain to the first Mentioned place
Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the South east by
unsurveyed Land Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for high
ways and on the Nor:West by the Land of Jacob Meline
Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for
that Service February the 25th: 1699-700
Number 136 for Jacob Meline Beginning at a white oak
tree markt on four Sides from thence Running Nor:West
twenty five Chain to a Red oak tree markt on four Sides thence
Sou:West forty Chain thence Sou:East twenty five Chain and from
thence forty Chain to the first Mentioned place Lying for one
hundred Acres. Bounded on the Sou:East by the Land of John
gould Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for high ways and
on the Nor:West by the Land of William Trotter Laid out by
me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service February 25 1699-700
Number 137:138 for William Trotter Beginning a Red oak
tree markt on foure sides from thence Running Nor:west fifty four
Chains to a gumb tree thence South west forty Chains thence Sou:East
fifty four Chains and from thence forty Chains to the first mentioned Red
oak tree Lying for two hundred acres be it more or less Bounded on the
Sou:East by the Land of Jacob Meline Nor:East and SOuth West by Land
left for highways and Nor:west by Saml Marsh Laid out by me John Harriman
and Company Chosen for that Service February 25th 1699:700
Number 139:140: for Samuel Marsh Beginning at a Gumb tree markt
on four Sides from thence Running Nor:West fifty one Chain to a Red oak
tree markt on four sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Sou:East
fifty one Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first Mentioned
gumb tree Lying for two hundred acres be it more or less Bounded
on the Sou:East by the Land of William Trotter Nor:East and
Sou:West by Land left for high ways and on the Nor:West by-
unsurvey'd Land Laid out by me John Harriman and Company
Chosen for that Service February:25th:1699:700
Number 141 for Yokam Andross Beginning at a Stake Standing
Six Chane Nor:West from Sam'l Marsh corner from thence Running Nor:
East forty Chain to a Maple tree Markt on four Sides thence Sou:East
twenty five Chain to a Walnut tree markt on four Sides thence Sou:West
forty Chain and from thence twenty five Chain to the first mentioned
Stake Lying for one hundred Acres Bounded on the Nor:West:Nor:East
and SOu:West by Land left for high ways and on the Sou:East by the Land
of Richard Clarke Laid out by me John Harriman and Company
Chosen for that Service February 25th:1699-700
Number 142 for Richard Clarke Beginning at a walnut tree
markt on foure sides from thence Running Sou:East twenty five Chain
to a Burch tree markt on four Sides thence Sou:West forty Chain
thence Nor:West twenty five Chain and from thence forty Chain to the
first mentioned walnut tree Lying for one hundred acres Bounded
on the Nor:West by the Land of Yokam Andros Nor:East and Sou:
West by Land left for high ways and on the Sou:East by the Land
of John Erskin Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Cho-
sen for that Service February 26th:1699-700
Number 143 for John Erskin Beginning at a Burch tree markt
on four sides from thence Running Sou:East twenty five Chain to a
Walnut tree thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Nor:West twenty five
Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first mentioned Burch-
tree Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the Nor:West by the
Land of Richard Clarke Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for
high ways and on the Sou:East by the Land of Jonathan Ogden.
Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service
February 26th:1699:700
Number 144 for Jonathan Ogden Beginning at a Walnut tree Marked
on four Sides from thence Running Sou:East twenty six Chain to a white oak
tree marked on four Sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Nor:West
twenty six Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first mentioned
walnut tree Lying for one hundred acres be it more or less: Bounded
on the Nor:West by the Land of John Erskin Nor:East and Sou:West by
Land left for high ways and on the Sou:East by the Land of Robert Morse
Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service February 26th
Number 145 for Robert Morse Beginning at a white oak tree Marked
on four sides from thence Running Sou:East twenty six Chain to a Red oak
tree marked on four sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Nor:West
twenty six Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first mentioned
white oak tree Lying for one hundred acres be it more or less Bound-
ed on the Nor:West by the Land of Jonathan Ogden:Nor:East and Sou:
West by Land left for high ways and on the Sou:East by Denis White
Laid out by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service
Number 146 for Deniss White Begining at a Red Oak Tre markt
on foure Sides from thence Runing Sou:East twenty eight Chain to
a white oake tre markt on foure Sides Thence Sou:West forty Chane
thence Nor:West Twenty Eight Chane and from thence Forty Chane
to ye first mentioned tre Lying for one hundred acres be it more
or Less Bounded on the Nor:West By the Land of Robert Morse
Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Left for highwayes and on the
Sou:East by ye Land of Great John Wilsons Laid out By me John
harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february the 26
Number 147 for Great John Wilson Begining at a white oake tre
markt on foure Sides from thence Runing Sou:East Twenty Eight
Chane to a Stake thence Sou:West forty Chane thence Nor:West
Twenty Eight Chane and from thence forty Chane to the first
mentioned white oake tre Lying for one hundred acres be it
more or Less Bounded on the Nor:West by the Land of Denis
White Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Left for highwayes and
on the Sou:East by the Land of John Osborn Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february
Number 148 for John Osborn Begining at a Stake from thence
Runing Sou:East Twenty five Chane to a white oake Tre
markt on foure Sides thence Sou:west forty Chane thence
Nor:West: Twenty five Chane and from thence forty Chane to
the first mentioned Stake Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on
the Nor:West by Great John Wilson Nor:East and Sou:West by Land
Leaft for highwayes and on ye Sou:East by unsurveyd Land Laid out
By me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february
Number 149 for Joseph Woodrufe Begining six Rods Nor:East from
the Nor:East Corner of the:148:Lot and from thence Runing Nor:East
forty Chane acros Raway River To a Stake Thence Nor west twenty five
Chane to a Double Chesnut Tre Markt on foure Sides thence Sou:-
West forty Chane and from thence Sou:East Twenty five Chane to
ye first mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on
the Sou:East by unsurveyd Land Sou:West and Nor:East by Land Leaft
for highwayes Laid out By me John herriman and Company Chosen
for that Service february the 27-1699-700
Number 150 for Thomas Darling Begining at a Double Chesnut
Tre markt on foure Sides from thence Runing Nor:West Twenty
five Chane to a white oake tre markt on four Sides Thence Sou:-
west forty Chane thence Sou:East Twenty five Chane and from thence
forty Chane to the first mentioned Chesnut Tre Lying for one
hundred acres Bounded on the Sou:East By ye Land of Joseph Wood-
-rufe Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Leaft for highwayes and
on ye Nor:West part By ye Land of hur:Thompson Laid out by
me John harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february
th 27=1699-700
Number 151 for hur Thompson Begining at a Chesnut Tre markt on
foure Sides Staning By Raway River from thence Runing Nor:East Forty
Chane to a Stake thence Nor:Nor:West westerly Twenty six Chane
to a Double walnut tre markt on foure Sides thence Sou:West Nin-
teen Chane to a maple tree marked on four Sides Standing by Sd Raway
River and from thence Running Down Sd River as it Runs to the first mentioned
Chesnut tree Lying for one hundred acres be it more or less Bounded on the
Sou:East part by the Land of Thomas Darling and part by unsurveyed Land Nor:
East and Nor:West by unsurvey'd Land and on the Sou:West by Raway River
Laid out ny me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february
27th 1699-700
Number: 152 for William Strahern Beginning at a Maple tree marked on
four Sides from thence Running Nor:West twenty five Chain to a Stake thence
Sou:West forty Chain thence Sou:East twenty five Chain and from thence forty
Chain to the first mentioned maple tree Lying for one hundred acres Bound-
ed on the Nor:West by the Land of Henery Norris upon the Right of Benja: Oman
Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for high ways Laid out by me John-
Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service february:27th:1699-700.
Numner 153 for Henry Norris upon the Right of Benja: Oman beginning at a
Stake from thence Running Nor:West twenty five Chain to a Red oak tree
marked on four Sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Sou:East twenty
five Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first mentioned place Lying
for one hundred acres bounded on the Sou:East by the Land of William Stra-
hern Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for high ways and on the Nor:west
by Even Salsberey Laid out by me John Harriman and COmpany Chosen
for that service February:27th:1699-700.
Number:154: for Even Salsberey Beginning at a Red oak tree Marked
on four Sides from thence Running Nor:West twenty five Chain to an ash
tree marked on four Sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Sou:East
twenty five Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first mentioned
Red oak tree Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the Sou:East by
Henry Norris Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Left for highways and
on the Nor:West by the Land of Benjamin Wade Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service February:27th:1699:700
Number:155: for Benjamin Wade Beginning at an ash tree marked
on four Sides from thence Running Nor:West twenty five Chain to a white
oak tree marked on four sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence Sou:
East twenty five Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first men-
tioned ash tree Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the Sou:East
by Even Salsberey Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for high-
ways and on the Nor:West by Little John Wilson Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service February:27th:1699:700
Number:156: for Little John Wilson Beginning at a white oak tree marked on
four sides from thence Running Nor:West twenty six Chain thence Sou:West
forty Chain thence Sou:East twenty six Chain and from thence forty
Chain to the first mentioned white oak tree Lying for one hundred
acres be it more or less Bounded on the Sou:East by the Land of
Benjamin Wade Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for highways
and on the Nor:West by Unsurvey'd Land Laid out by me John
Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service February
the 27th:1699-700
Number:157: for Stephen Crane Beginning at a stake -----ing
six Chain Nor:West from the Nor:West Corner of the 156 Lot from
thence Running Nor:East forty Chain to a stake thence Sou:East
twenty five Chain to a Beech tree marked on four sides thence
Sou:West forty Chain and from thence twenty five Chain to the first
mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres Bounded on the Nor:
West:Nor:East and Sou:West by Land Left for highways and on the
Sou:East by John Ogden Junior Laid out by me John Harriman
and Company Chosen for that Service March:2d: 1699-700
Number:158:159 for John Ogden junior Beginning at a Beech tree
marked on four Sides from thence running Sou:East fifty Chain to a
Red oak tree marked on four Sides from thence Sou:West forty Chain thence
Nor:West fifty Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first mentioned
Beech tree Lying for two hundred acres Bounded on the Nor:West by
Stephen Crane nor:East and Sou:West by Land left for high ways
and on the Sou:East by the Land of John Winance Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service March:2d:1699:700
Number:160:161: for John Winance Deceast Beginning at a Red oak
tree Marked on four Sides from thence Running Sou:East twelve Chain
and a half Chain to Raway River thence Running down Sd River four-
teen Chain thence Sou:West twenty seven Chain thence Nor:West twenty
three Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first mentioned Red-
oak tree Lying for one hundred acres be it more or less bounded on
the Nor:West by the Land of John Ogden Nor:East part by Land Left
for a high way and part by Raway River Sou:East by unsurvey'd Land
and on the Sou:West by Land left for a high way the fore Sd:161:Lot
beginning at Raway River six Rods from the 160 lott from thence
Running Nor:Nor:East by the River fourteen Chain thence Nor:West
seven Chain and a half Chain thence Nor:Nor:East five Chain and a
half Chain thence Nor:West fifteen Chain thence Nor:Nor:East Six
teen Chain to the foresd River thence Nor:West by the River six
Chain to a Box wood tree marked on four Sides Standing by Said
River thence Sou:West thirty three Chain and from thence to the first
mentioned place by Sd Raway River Lying for one hundred Acres
be it morer or Less Bounded on the Sou:West by Land left for a
high way Nor:West by the Land of Andrew Cragg and Nor:East part
by Raway River and part by unsurvey'd Land Laid out by me John
Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service March the 2d:1699:700
Number:162: for Andrew Cragg Beginning at a Bass wood tree standing by
Raway River from thence Running up Sd River ten Chains to Noramahe-
gons Branch thence up Sd Branch twenty Chain to an Ash tree marked on
four Sides thence Sou:West thirty Chain thence Sou:East Easterly twenty
five Chain and from thence to the first mentioned Bass wood tree Lying for
one hundred acres be it more or less bounded on the Sou:East by the Land
of John Winance Nor:East by Raway River and the foresd
Branch Nor:West by Benjamin Parkhurst and on the Sou:West by Land
left for a high way Laid out by me John Harriman and COmpany Chosen
for that Service March the:2d 1699-700
Number 163:164:165: for benjamin Parkhurst Beginning at an ash
tree marked on four sides standing by a Brook from thence Running Sou:
West thirty Chain thence Nor:West twenty Chain thence Nor:East forty five
Chain to an Elm tree marked on four sides thence Sou:East twenty Chain to a
white wood tree marked on four sides thence Sou:West ten Chain to the Brook
and from thence up the Brook to the first mentioned corner Lying for one
hundred acres be it more or less Bounded on the Sou:East by the Land of An-
drew Cragg Sou:West by Land left for high ways Nor:west by unsurvey'd Land
and Nor:East by unsurvey'd Land and the Brook Laid out by me John
Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service March the 2d 1699-700
Number:164:165 Lots afore mentioned Beginning at a walnut tree Standing
near the Land of Wm Piles marked on four Sides from thence Running Nor:East
forty Chain thence Sou:East fifty seven Chain to a white oak tree marked on
four Sides thence Sou:West twenty three Chain to a Black oak tree marked on
four Sides thence Nor:West four Chain and a half Chain to Piles Corner thence
Sou:West Eighteen Chain and from thence to the first mentioned walnut tree
Lying for two hundred acres be it more or less Bounded on the Nor:East by
Land left for high ways Sou:West by Sd Wm Piles Land and Unsurvey'd Land
and on the Sou:East by Unsurvey'd Land Laid out by me John Harriman
and Company Chosen for that Service March the 3d:1699-700
Number:166:167:168 for William Piles Beginning at a Walnut tree
marked on four sides from thence Running Sou:East forty three Chain
and a half Chain to the Land of Wm Piles now In the possession of Peter
Nowe thence as his line Runs nine Chain to the West Branch of Raway
River thence down Sd River thirty three Chain to a butten wood tree
marked on three Sides Standing on the West side of Sd River thence Sou:
West fifty Chain and from thence Nor:West Seventy six Chain and from
thence to the first mentioned walnut tree Lying for three hundred
acres be it more or less Bounded on the Nor:East by Land Left for
high ways and Sd River Sou:East by the Land of Cornelius Hetfield Sou:
West by Land left for high ways Laid out by me John Harriman and Com
pany Chosen for that Service March:the:3:1699-700
Number 169 for Cornelius hetfield Beginning at a Butten wood
tree marked on four sides standing by the West Branch of Raway
River from thence Running down Sd River twenty five Chain to
a walnut tree marked on four sides thence Sou:West forty Chain thence
Nor:West twenty five Chain and from thence forty Chain to the first
mentioned place Lying for one hundred acres be it more or less
Bounded on the Nor:East by Sd Raway River Nor:West by Wm Piles
Land Sou:West by Land left for high ways and on the Sou:East by the
Land of John Johnson Laid out by me John Harriman and
Company Chosen for that Service March the 3d:1699-700
Number 170:for John Johnson beginning at a Walnut tree
marked on four Sides standing by the Branch of Raway River from thence
Running Sou:East twenty Chain thence Sou:West fifteen Chain thence
West seventeen Chain thence Nor:West to the Land of Cornelius Hetfield
and from thence Nor:East to the first mentioned walnut tree Lying
for one hundred acres be it more or less Bounded on the Nor:West
by the Land of Cornelius Hetfield Nor:East and Sou:West by Land left
for highways and on the Sou:East by unsurvey'd Land Laid out
by me John Harriman and Company Chosen for that Service March:3d
Number 26:27: and:28 for the Right of Thomas Thompson Deceased by
agreement are Removed and is Number 171:172:and 173:Beginning
at the Sou:East Corner of the first Lot at a Black oak tree
marked on four sides from thence Running Sou:East fifty one Chain
to a white oak tree thence Nor:East sixty Chain to the first mentioned
Black oak tree Lying for three hundred acres be it more or less Bound
ed on the Nor:West by the Land of Isaac Whitehead Nor:East and
Sou:West by Land left for high ways and on the Sou:East by the Land
of Henry Lyon Laid out by me John Harriman and Company CHosen
for that Service March the 5th:1699-700
Number 174 for Henry Lyon Beginning at a white oak tree marked
on four sides from thence Running Sou:East Seventeen Chain Thence
nor:East sixty Chain thence Nor:West Seventeen Chain and from
thence sixty Chain to the first mentioned white oak tree Lying
for one hundred acres be it more or less bounded on the Nor:West by
the Land of Thomas Thompson Nor:East and Sou:West by land left
for highways and on the Sou:East by unsurvey'd Land Laid out by me
John Harriman and Company CHosen for that Service March 5th:1699-700
New Jersey County of Essex
The above mentioned John Harriman who in the year of our Lord 1699
was by the free holders of Elisabeth Town Chosen their Surveyer (together
with Jonathan Ogden, Benjamin Lyon, John Clarke, Samuel Carter and Cornelius
Hetfield, his assistants) to Lay out, Divide, and Equally assise all the Lands
and Meadows within the whole Bounds and purchase of Elisabeth Town afore Sd
to every one Interested therein by Right of purchase under the honourable
General Richard Nicholls, their Several and Respective parts and Shares of the
whole the said John Harriman upon the sixth day of March Anno:Domini 1730/1
personally appeared be fore me (one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for
Sd County of Essex) and being Duly Sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty
God Testifieth and saith That he the, this deponent Pursuant to the trust
reposed in him by the freeholders aforesd (with his said assistants) Did
faithfully and truly Survey all the Several Lots of Land above mentioned
and Did also make returns there of as they are severallly and particular
-ly herein above mentioned and Set down according to the best of his
understanding Skill and Judgment and further this Deponent
Saith not. March ye 6th: day 1730/1 john Harriman
Sworn Before me Andrew Joline Justice
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