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Notes for Nathaniel BOND

Desc. of Deacon Samuel Potter, Helen Potter Alleman (1975), page 13.
Lyon Memorial, p. 168:
RACHEL POTTER BOND Bethla Lyon Peter Ebenezer Ebenezer Henryi married Nathaniel Bond Children of Nathaniel and Rachel Potter Bond 1196 I John m Eliza Crowell children 1 Julia 2 Ellas 3 Nathaniel 4 Crowell 5 Mary J 6 Henry 7 Ezra 1197 IL Joseph m Lavlsy
Osborn children 1 Caroline 2 Benjamin 3 Alfred 4 Squire 5 Milton 1198 III Anna m Squire Osborn children 1 Rachel 2 Sarah
At least one descendant has joined the SAR through his service in the
Revolutionary War. Nathaniel may have been from Somerset Co., NJ.
Father may have been Joseph Bond. Need to check Rev. War pension records.
Apparently Jacob Sisco's file mentions them.
Also need to check pension for "Benjamin Bond."

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