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Notes for Agnes OLIVER

Sources: C.C.Gardner, pg. 119.
Possibly the daughter of Benjamin Oliver as per -
1787, April 12. Oliver, Benjamin, of Essex Co., Intestate. Adm'rs - Jeremiah
Clark and Isaac Morse; both of said county, Liber 29, p. 416
A record from the NJ State Archives:
Agnes Clark Intestate, Administrator's Bond
Administration Granted. Recorded in Liber No. 39 of Wills, folio 321.
Know all men by thee presents that we Jonas Clark James M. Clark William Fletcher [Rev. War veteran buried in Rahway Cemetery] & David Clark all of Essex County & State of New Jersey are held & firmly bound unto Richard Howell Esquire ----- or
Surrogate General of the Sd. State in the sum of five hundred Dollars to be paid ro the Sd. Richard Howell his succcessor or assigns To which payment well & truly to be made we bond ourselves our heirs Executors & adminstrators jointly Severally ----
by these presents ---- with our seals& dated the twenty ninth day of April 1801 In the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and one.
The Condition of this obligation is such That is the above bound Jonas Clark & James M. Clark administrators of all & singular the goods chattels & credits of Agnes Clark late of the County of Essex decd. do make and cause to be made a true &
perfect inventory of all & singular the goods chattels & credits of the decd which have or shall come to ----- of the said Jonas & James or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for the sd Jonas & James & the same so made do
exhibit or cause to be exhibited to the Registry of the perogative Counrt in the Secretary's Office of the State on or before the the expiration of six calendar months from teh date of the above within obligation and the same goods chattels & credits
& otehr goods chattels & credits of the Decd at the time of her death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the Sd Jonas & James or in to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for the Sd Jonas & James do well
& truly administer according ot law --- make or cause to me made a just & true account of ehri administration within twelve calendar months from the date of the above written obligation & all the rest & residue of the Sd goods chattels & credits which
shall be found remaining upon the account of the Sd administration the same being part ------ & allowed of by the Judges of the orphans Court of the county or other competent authority shall deliver --- payments such person or persons respectively
--- are or shall by law be entitled to --- the same the same & --- if it shall hereafter appear that any last will & testament was made by the Sd decd & the executors therein named or any other person or persons do exhibit the same into the perogative
court making -- to have it allowed & approved of the said Jonas & James being herunto required --- & deliver the Sd letters of administration & approbationof such testament being first ----- to the Sd Court then the above obligation to be void &
----------------- in full force & virtue.
James H. Clark
David Clark
William Fletcher
Essex County -- Jonas & james Clark administrators ---- named being duly sworn did -- & say that Agnes Clark within named died without a will as far as --- know & as they verily belive that they will well and truly administer all & singular the goods
---------- which have or shall come to their knowledge or possession or to the possession of any other person ---- & & that they ------- unto the perogative office at trenton a true & perfect inventory of the goods chattels & credits ---- a just
true account of their administration.
Sworn at Newark 29th Jonas Clark
day of April 1801 before James H. Clark
----- Whorter Sur
for the County of Essex
Above record includes a large inventory, not copied due to time limitation.
Who is David Clark above? Is he also a son, brother-in-law or ? of Agnes?
William Fletcher
(1741 - 1807)
Private - Continental Army

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