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Notes for Mary -----

H. Ruth Cooke, in The Clarks of New Jersey pg. 10, identifies wife of Benjamin Marsh as Margaret Trembly, eldest daughter of John Trembly {Jean Traubles] a Hugeunot,and Marie Noe, d/o Peter Noe and Margaret Clarke, d/o John Clarke, Esq. She gives no
documentation and is the same person who titled her work "Richard Clarke of the Mayflower 1620 and His Descendants in New Jersey" dated Feb. 12, 1899, which is an absolute fantasy, [See C.C. Gardner's comments].
The Will of Benjamin Marsh, dated Jan. 31, 1733-4, as abstracted in N.J.A. does refer to "Grist mill, which formerly belonged to my father-in-law, John Ewen" . . . and names his wife, Margaret, as one of Executors. This indicates that his
wife was Margaret Ewen. However the Marsh Bulletin gives her birth date as 1725, and death as 1747. Having done this, the bulletin then proceeds to list their children, beginning with Benjamin (4) Marsh, with birth as 1725, the same year as his
mother, running to daughter Mary (4) Marsh, with birth date of 1732. If Margaret Ewen is correct as wife of Benjamin Marsh (who was himself born in 1702), then her birth date of 1725 has to be wrong.
We note, also, that Marsh has the daughter, Mary, (born 1732) "as wife of Revolutionary Soldier, Charles Clark, born 1716, died 2/14/1785." That may be correct -- see discussion under Mary, [#8361 in this program]. C.C. Gardner says that her
husband was Reuben Clark, born after 1722, who married Mary Marsh in 1747. That seems to be based on a reference in the will of Margaret Marsh, mother of Mary, to a mortgage on plantation on which Reuben Clark lives, and does not appear to fit with the
probably birth date of Mary.
See also Marsh Family Bulletin, pages 77-78. N.J. Abst. Wills, Vol. II, pages 322-323.

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