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Notes for John MCCOY

I, John McCoy of the County of Bourbon and State of Kentucky being aged
weak and infirm, but being of sound mind and memory and knowing that I
must shortly leave this world and go the way of all flesh do make and
ordain this (revoking all others) my last will and testament.
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth McCoy one third of all
the money that may arise from the sale of my personal Estate together
with three hundred dollars which is to be considered as an equivalent
for her dower in the land whereon I now live together with the use of my
Negro man Ben whose labor is to be applied to the mutual benefit of not
only my wife, but also my three daughters. Nancy McCoy and Sarah McCoy
during their continuance together and soon after the only benefit of my
said wife during her lifetime, and at her death to the exclusive right
of my daughter Nancy and should she die without heir then the said Negro
Ben shall be the sole property of my son Martin McCoy.
Item I give until my son Daniel McCoy all that tract and parcel of
land whereon I now live, he the said Daniel paying unto his brother
Martin three hundred dollars in three annual and equal payments but here
it is to be understood that my said son Daniel is to pay all the expense
that may attend a law suit now depending in the Bourbon Circuit Court,
and that my said wife is to keep possession of above named track or
parcel of land until she shall have received her dower right thereof as
before stated.
The residue of my Estate consisting of Horses Cattle Sheep and Hogs
to be sold and the proceeds thereof to be equally divided between my
Daughters Nancy, Mary, and Sarah. Let it be remembered that not any of
the Household or Kitchen furniture not plantation utensils is to be sold
but shall be at the disposal of my wife Elizabeth McCoy.
Item I give unto my son Duncan McCoy ten dollars.
Item I give unto my son James McCoy five dollars
Item I give unto my son William McCoy five dollars.
Item I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Fight twenty dollars worth of
Lastly I do hereby appoint my Friend William Chiure {sic} and my two
sons Daniel and Martin McCoy Executors of this my last will and
testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
14th day of September 1813.
John McCoy (seal)
In presence of Witnesses:
William Corbin
Charles Porter
Benjamin Corbin.
Bourbon County December Court 1813
This last will and testament of John McCoy deceased was produced into
court and proved according to law by the Oaths of William Corbin and
Charles Proter Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Att: Tho. P. Smith
[Bourbon County, Ky. Courthouse records.]

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