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Notes for Jeremiah Maxwell CLARK

Lyon Memorial, S. E. Lyon (1907), page 176.
(1401) SAMANTHA TURRELL, b. August 14, 1804 ; d. at Gin-
cinnati, Ohio, Nov. 28, 1883; m. Oct. 25, 1821, Jeremiah Maxwell
Clark, 1). in Somerset County, N. J., Feb. 20, 1801 ; tl. July 24, 1884,
at Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Clark was taken by liis parents from New
Jersey to Hamilton County, Ohio, when but a year old. Early in
life he learned the trade of a bricklayer. Later he took up school
teaching, then painting, and still later became a contractor and
builder. He was elected Justice of the Peace, and held mau}^ po-
sitions of importance in the Courts, among which were those of
Clerk in the Court of Common Pleas, Auditor's and Recorder's offi-
ces, and in the U. S. Marshal's office. He was also, at one time.
Chief Journal Clerk of the Probate Court under Probate Judge E.
r. Noyes, who became Governor of 01) io, and subsequently, by the
appointment of President Hayes, Minister to Paris. After their
marriage, the couple made their home in that beautiful and invit-
ing, but then heavily timbered region, a mile north of Pleasant
Ridge, and seven miles from Cincinnati. Here they resided until
1855, when they removed to Cincinnati. Two years after her mar-
riage, Mrs. Clark joined the Baptist Church, but on her removal to
Cincinnati connected herself with the Presbyterian Church, with
which she remained in close communion until her death.
To great cheerfulness, she joined all domestic virtues and a most
unassuming tyjie of piety. Mr. Clark joined the Baptist Church in
1843, in which he was an elder, but with his wife joined the Piesby-
terian on his removal to Cincinnati. He was an humble, consistent,
faithful and earnest Christian. He was noted for his dignity, pru-
dence and firmness. A large proportion of the attendance at his
funeral were of the " Pioneer Association." who held him in high
esteem. Both he and Mrs. Clark, were distantly related to Hon.
Wm. M. Evarts, U. S. Senator from New York, and Mr. Clark
through the Maxwells of New Jersey, was one of the heirs of estate
commoidy known as the " Mercer Estate." Both are buried in
Spring Grove Cemetery at Cincinnati, Ohio.
The children of Samantha Turrell (1401) and Jeremiah M. Clark
were eight, to wit : —
(1435) MOSES PEYOE CLAEK, b. at Pleasant Eidge, O.,
March 24, 1824 ; d. there, Nov. 20, 1849 ; unm. He was a school
teacher by occupation, a man of good education, and much respect-
(1436) JAEED TUEEELL CLAEK, b. at Pleasant Eidge, O.,
May 23, 1826; d. at Cincinnati, O., Sept. 3. 1864; m. Feb. 22, 1853,
Harriet Cregar. Mr. Turrell was by trade a carriage maker. He
died without issue.
(1437) AMELIA EWING CLAEK, V). at Pleasant Eidge, O.,
Jan. 3, 1829. She is unm., and resides at No. 98 E. Third street,
Cincinnati, O.
(1438) HENEY CLAY CLAEK, b. at Cincinnati, O , Feb. 12,
1832; d. there March 27, 1868, from injuries received March 18,
1868, by the explosion of the steamer Magnolia, on tlie Ohio Eiver ;
m. Sept. 20, 1853, Mary Kennedy, b. March 15, 1834. Widow's ad-
dress is Lawrence. Kansas. Mr. Clark was in the employ of the
Adams Express Co. at time of his death.
(1439) JEEOME MINEE CLAEK, b. at Pleasant Eidge, Ohic^
June 10, 1834; unm. He is a book-keeper by occupation and re-
sides with his sister Amelia at No. 98 E. 3d street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1440) DAA^D CONKLTNG CLAEK, b. at Pleasant Eidge,
Ohio, Nov. 21, 1836; d. Jan. 18, 1863, in the military hospital at
Nashville, Tenn., while in tiie service of his country in the war for
the Union. He enlisted June 19, 1862, as musician in Company H,
52d Ohio Volunteers, and on September 1, 1862, was promoted to
fife major of his regiment. He was in the battle of Perry ville in
Gen. Nelson's campaign, and was discharged for disability, caused
by exposure, Jan. 16, 1863. Two days later he died. His remains
were brouolit to Cincinnati for interment.
(1481) PAULINE MEKINDA CLARK, b. at Pleasant Ridge,
Ohio, Oct. 31, 1839; d. there Dec. 7, 1876; in. Nov. 24, 1864, Charles
A, Lewis, b. in Highland County, Ohio, March 31, 1835. Husband
is a prominent merchant. Address, 303 Freeman avenue, Cincinnati,
Ohio. In 1879 he ra. (2) Anna A. Thompson.
(1442) CHARLES EDWARD CLARK, b. at Pleasant Ridge, O.,
March 5, 1845 ; d. there March 18, 1867 ; unra. He was by occupa-
tion a salesman in a book-store.
[Origin, history, and genealogy of the Buck family; including ... branches in America ... descendant of James Buck and Elizabeth Sherman, his wife (1889), p. 218-291]
Taken to Hamilton County by his parents when a year old, according to the
Bush genealogy.
See this family 1850 Columbia, Hamilton Co., Ohio, 1870 CIncinatti, Hamilton
Co., Ohio.

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