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Notes for Haymond William CLARK

Death of an Old Citizen. [Probably from local Noblesville, Indiana newspaper]
Last Wednesday night about 8 1/2 o'clock, word went through the streets that old Dr. Clark was dead. The news fell upon the community with shock. Surprised and skeptical as to the truth of the report, our news gatherer hastened to the residence of the
Dr., where he found that it was true that Dr. H.W. Clark was no more among the living. I t seems that the Dr. had gone out to attend to some little chickens; not returning as soon as it was believed, he ought to, search was instituted and it resulted
in finding him in the chicken coop, dead, the body being almost cold. It was noticed during the day that Dr. Clark complained much of the heat, something very unusual. The supposition is that he went to the chicken coop, and while stooping was overcome
with the heat. He walked down into and all around the business portion of town three times that day, and the theory was that he was overcome with heat on that hottest of days, is quite plausible.
Dr. H.W. Clark was born in Clarksburg, Harrison County, W. Va. , on the 7th day of March, 1803, and was therefore in the 78th year of his age. He was married to Almarine Bond, daughter of Thomas Bond, of Harrison County, W. Va., who is still living. In
1826 he moved to this county, where he has ever since resided. He was the father of eight children, three of whom survive him - Mrs. Loehr, Mrs. Chipman and Capt. W. H. Clark, Jr. He practiced medicine here a good many years, and was at one time Judge
of the Probate Court. He was one of the charter members of Noblesville Ledge, I.O.O.F., by which order he was quietly conducted to his last resting place. In his daily life he was brusque, but warm-hearted. Those who knew him best, loved him most. A
large circle of relatives and friends mourn his demise.
See "History of Hamilton County, Indiana, with Illustrations and Biographical ...
by Thomas B. Helm", p. 101 for vast biogrpahy, as well as list of children.

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