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Notes for Euphemia RADLEY

1745, July 15. RADLEY, Hannah, of Hanover, Morris Co.; will of.
Sons - James, to have (at 21) the farm lately purchased of Seth Hall, joining Barnebus Carter, Junior; Joseph (at age), the farm lately purchased of William Brant, bounded by John Crane's land in Hanover Township; John. Daughters - Sarah Hunt, Ufamah
Bagley, Elizabeth Hart, Rachel, Isabella, Catrine and Hannah. Grandson, John, son of John Radley of Elizabethtown. Executors - my brother, Jonathan Allen, of Elizabethtown, and Barnabas Carter, Junior. Witnesses - Ichabod Burnet, David Burnet, Stephen
Ward. Proved 20 Aug., 1745. (Lib. 5, p. 166)
1744-5, Feb. 21. RADLEY (Raley), John, of Hanover, Morris Co.; will of.
First, "I give £5 to my loving (omission in the original). Wife, Hannah, to have all lands and improvements. Executors - wife, and Barnebus Carter, Junior. Witnesses - David Burnet, Stephen Ward, Jeremiah Gunung. Proved 28 March, 1745. (Lib. 5, p. 109)
1744-5, March 19. Inventory (£199.6.7) includes cows and calves; bonds of Benjamin Moore, Ephraim Sayre, Patrick Mackmaners, Herrick Benjamin, James Carter, Saml. and Hesadiah Sampson, Nicholas Carter. Appraisers - Nathl. Bonnel, Jeremiah Jenung
(Genung), Jonathan Allen.
Daughter of John and Hannah Radley of Morris County, New Jersey.

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