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Notes for Lewis CLARK

C.C.Gardner, Collections Vol. 29, Clark, p.129; named in Will of his
grandfather, Jesse Clark, N.J. Cal. Wills 1814-1817, page 82.
See deed abstract in files of Lewis Clark and wife Sally of Conesus, New York
to Ephraim Clark of Westfield dated 20 September 1853. Land conveyed was
three acres in Westfield near Morgan's Hill on the road to Springfield
bounded by John Miller. DOB and POB on double tombstone with his wife.
The first hotel was built here in 1842 or 43 by Lewis Clark better known to the people as Col Crockett a name he adopted at the time of the Mexican war and retained the same up to the time of his death He followed the business here until his death in 1
H74 when the hotel was taken as a private dwelling house by one of his danghters Mrs Phoebe Henry Lewis Clark also carried on the shoe makers trade in the west part of his house and in the little building that stands south of the hotel In this building
was the first millinery store that was every opened in this village This was by Miss Lillie Henry in the year of 1882 or 83 1 1 has been used for the past year as a washboard manufactory by Jincks & Co . [History of the Town of Conesus, p. 79]
See extensive article about this family in "The Lavonia Gazette," May 18, 1939, page 2. Includes a photograph of Lewis and Sarah Clark. Sympathized with the South during the Civil War.

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