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Notes for Deborah CLARK

Doty-Doten Family, page 320.
Genealogical Collections, C.C.Gardner p.135.
J. Zadina says she moved to Indiana.
From Larry Pasch 9/2000:
Deborah Clark(Stephanus daughter) is buried here with her husband John
Bridge.A son -David Clark Bridge is buried here with his wife Katherine
Voorhis,she was a daughter of Luke Voorhis.
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~endovit/np328.html [2/2007]
Deborah (Clark) Bridge 8 SEP 1779 - 27 APR 1848
"Almost as soon as she came here (Jefferson, WI), Mrs. John Bridge
instituted weekly spelling schools, which were held at her home, and
attended by all the children within a mile. In 1840, Jefferson paid
her school tax and drew her portion of the public school fund; but
this was paid in Mineral Point bank-notes, and even before it was
paid, the bank had failed."
Note for: Franklin Hathaway Bridge, 1822 - ABT 1847
Information on the Mexican War states as follows - "General Winfield Scott landed troops at Veracruz, defeated the Mexicans at Cerro Gordo, Contreras and Chunubusco and after the battle of Chapultepec, captured Mexico City in September 1847." A letter
written by Franklin's father reads "oldest sone went to Mexico under General Scott and died of the common disease of that country, near Mexico City." Franklin's brother William says in another letter dated December 1915 - "he died at Puebla, Mexico
during the Ware of 1847". All of this data indicates that Franklin probably died in the fall of 1847.
Married by James Sutton, MG.

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