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Notes for Israel Ludlow CLARK

Source: Genealogical Collections, C.C.Gardner p.135.
See Stephanus Clark file [David E. Kane] for group sheets, etc. [Was "O." [Osborn] Daniel's middle name?]
See this family, District #9, Penn Township, Johnson County, Iowa 1850. The Robart family lived almost next door to them...hence the marriage of the children.
Possibly listed in 1860 Census in Chehalem Center, Yamhill County, Oregon. In that record Christina Clark, age 50, is living with him. No indication if she is his wife; she was born Kentucky. Also lists Israel as being born in Kentucky, which is
incorrect, if this is indeed Israel Clark, son of Stephanus Clark.
Christina lived in East Chelhalem in 1870 with the Parrish family, apparently widowed.
9-9-1829 - Benjamin WILLIS Sr. of Preble to Abner WILLIS or Preble; $150; Washington Twp; 100 acres. Line - Samuel SHOWALTER; S12 T7 R2 SE1/4 , State Line. Wit. Israel L. and James H. CLARK. recorded 10-24-1829
2/2007 from Internet:
[The proceedings of the adjourned meeting above provided for are reprinted literally from the Iowa Standard (Iowa City), Vol. III, No. 16, March 23 1843.—EDITOR.]
A meeting of the citizens of Clear Creek, favorable to the settlement of Oregon Territory, was held at the house of JARVIS H. FROST, on Saturday, the 18th inst. The meeting was organized by the election of the customary officers, when A. CALKINS,
Esq., briefly stated the object of the meeting—it being called for the purpose of hearing and considering the report of a committee appointed at a previous meeting, to draft a Constitution and By-laws, for the formation, regulation, and government of
an Oregon Emigration society.
On motion: Resolved, That the Society now proceed to the election of four Trustees. Whereupon, A. Calkin, David Switzer, Israel L. Clark and J. L. Frost, were unanimously elected.
Resolved, That A. Calkin, Esq., be requested to deliver a public address before the society, at its next meeting. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting, be published in the newspapers in Iowa City.
Resolved, That the meeting adjourn to meet in Iowa City, on the first Monday in May next.
From Internet 2/2007:
"Mr. Lane presented the petition of Oliver Moor and others, praying that Israel L. Clark may be indemnified for depredations by the Indians in Oregon; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs."
In 1835 Israel Ludlow Clark swore an affidavit to assist Jacob Ulmer to obtain a Revolutionary War pension. A portion follows from the website [2/2007] http://ulmer.forumco.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=131:
"A Clergyman.
We Israel Ludlow clerk for many Residents in Fulton Living and now of Knox County and Iriah Stittlan of Fulton County residing in the same County hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Jacob Ulmer who has subscribed and sworn, to the above
declaration; that we believe him to be seventy-seven years of age; that he is reputed and believed , in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that we concur that opinion.
Sworn and Subscribed the Days Year aforesaid
Israel Ludlow Clark & Iraish Stillman
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the Interrogation prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was Revolutionary Soldiers and Served as he states,
and the Court further Certified Israel L. Clark and who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman resident in the County of Knox and late of County of Fulton, and that Isiah Stillman who was also signed the same is a resident in the County of
Fulton and state of Illinois, and is a credible person and that their statement is entitled to credit.
Richard M. Young
Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of the State of Illinois."
From:http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~archaeology/heritage/case/*yamhill.html [2/2007]
"Within a dozen or so years, the passage of the Donation Land Law on September 27, 1850 assured a well-documented Euroamerican presence at Grand Ronde. Homesteaders establishing claims here included George W. Springer, Barney H. Springer, John and
Sarah VanBuskirk, James Koonts, Thomas and Elizabeth Henderson, Daniel and Mary Harris, Thomas J. Woolery, John Foster, Israel Clark, Philip and Nancy Ann Sargeant, and others."
Israel L Clark was our pioneer preacher He was a Stoneite set in motion during the clebrated Kane Ridge revival and a stringent im raersionist Clark was preaching during a very dry summer day when he remarked that water was too scarce to satisfy the
demands of so many subjects when a member cried out at the top of his voice There is a big hole on Bear Creek Clark it is said was accustomed to speak of the evil influences of larnen and was accustomed to preach such lengthy dis onrses that the only
way to hold the audience was to turn the key and lock them in. [The history of Iowa County, Iowa: containing a history of the county, its ...by Union Historical Company]

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