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Notes for Isaac C. CLARK

Possibly fought in Civil War.
Internet - 2/12/07:
Isaac C. Clark, 63rd Indiana Infantry [fought alongside the 120th], wrote the following account in his diary:
"We marched all night. Arrived at Franklin, Tenn. in the morning. Here we halted, and built a line of works, and we thought ( as the rebels seemed anxious for a fight, ) that we would try our hand on them at this place, so we made all necessary
preparations. We had cannon placed along our line of works, about 50 yards apart, besides a number of well fortified forts, containing several pieces of artillery. At 4 o'clock p.m., the enemy came, they drove in our pickets and made a desperate charge
upon our works, but were driven back with a great slaughter, however this did not satisfy them, and they came again and again until they had made as much as 8 or 10 different charges upon our works. They took a portion of our works at one time, but
they were immediately retaken by our men; they fought with a desperation worthy of a better cause. The battle lasted 7 hours; we retreated at 11 p.m. Co. D., had one man killed, Co. E., one wounded. The enemy loss was reported at 8 or 10 thousand.
Our regt., had helped build a great many lines of works during the war, but this was the first time that they had the privilege of fighting behind works during a general engagement.
We retreated to Nashville, and went into camp at Fort Negley. The enemy followed us but they did not make a charge upon us at Nashville as they did at Franklin, I think that they had got about enough of charging; but they halted some distance from the
city and built works. We remained in camp some 15 days, and there was some fighting going on every day during this time."
"Reminiscences of an Old 63rd, Ind., Soldier"
By Isaac C. Clark
Covington, Ind., Nov. 27, 1875 http://www.indianainthecivilwar.com/letters/63rd/63diary.htm

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