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Notes for John Blair SHIPPEN

Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society by New Jersey Historical Society [The New Jersey Shippens"
2 John Blair Shippen Son of Joseph William Shippen and Martha Axford was born on the old ancestral estate in the Shippen Manor Oxford Furnace NJ 1771 He is mentioned as the son of Joseph William Shippen and the grandson of Dr William Shippen in Deeds
recorded at Newton NJ ie Book T 363 T 366 etc also in the Will of Dr William Shippen filed at Philadelphia Book Y page 614 dated Sept 1 1783 in the last Codicil
He later as a young man settled in Caldwell NJ Horseneck and built the old Shippen Homestead on the corner of Brookside and Westville Avenues Here he met and married Mary Poly DeCamp of Roseland NJ Center ville 1809 daughter of Aaron DeCamp and Ketura
Clark John B Shippen was a farmer in Caldwell NJ and when a young man taught school on Long Island He was well educated for his time and spoke French as well as English He was dark and slender and was thought by many to be of foreign birth He later
learned the trade of tan currier becoming an authority on leather He patented a shoemaker's awl which is still used to this day He frequently Bpoke of his wealthy and distinguished family connections in Philadelphia referred to the fact that they had
been Quakers and complained that he had been cheated out of property which should by right have descended to him His death at the age of 47 years occurred while on a business trip in Hamburg Sussex County New Jersey in 1818 The cause was heart failure
His body was never brought home for burial The following incident is told by his grandchild Mrs Elizabeth Foster After his death a lady from the South and her daughter no doubt relatives of his father's brother Dr William Ship pen Jr of Virginia and
his wife Alice Lee visited his widow in Caldwell NJ The facts that most impressed the children and which they now remember are that the lady was very distinguished in manner and appearance and that the daughter could not button her own shoes or brush
her own hair He was probably a Presbyterian as he attended the First Presbyterian Church of Caldwell NJ and it is believed that he was married by Rev Stephen Grover of that church After his early and sudden death the children were brought up by their
grandfather Aaron DeCamp in Roseland NJ until his death in 1827 and then Mary Shippen supported herself by nursing One of her cases was her attendance on the mother of Grover Cleveland on the occasion of his birth For a number of years Grover Cleveland
sent annually a letter to her daughter Lucretia Shippen commenting on the fact on his birthday John Blair Shippen and his wife Mary Polly DeCamp had issue

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