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Notes for John HAMILTON

He was the brother of Noah Crane's wife; Littell, page 288.
Very likely of Ross Township, Clinton Co., Indiana.
John Hamilton of our subject was born in Ohio February 11 1807 For his wife he married Miss Jane Clark with whom he came to Clinton County Indiana in 1832 wheu he entered 160 acres of land Ross Township which was entirely unimproved His wife died
shortly after coming here he returned to Ohio where he followed farming In 1838 he married Miss Eunice Drake of Ohio This union was blessed with one child the subject of this sketch Although Mr Hamilton had but one child he reared and cared for other
children who found a good home with him After the death of his second wife he married her sister Rhoda Drake September 7 1874 He came to Indiana almost entirely without capital but by a lite of industry and persevering energy he accumulated a good
share of this world's goods He was an active and enterprising citizen of Ross Township which he served as justice of the peace for two years He took an active interest in matters pertaining to the advancement of the county and contributed $400 toward
the construction of the Lake Erie & Western Railroad He held stock to the amount of $150 in the Dayton & Mulberry gravel road His death occurred in Ross Township February 28 1884 He member of the Old School Baptist church [History of Clinton County,

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