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Notes for Matthias CLARK

Capt. Matthias 5 Clark, son of David 4 and Sarah (Clark) Clark, was born
Mar. 8, 1754. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army and lived at
Westfield, where he died June 7, 1808. He md. Charity ______ who was born June
22, 1755 and died July 2, 1817. [ C.C.Gardner collections ] [Note: Gardner's
reference to David 4 (as desc. of Richard Clark) is not correct].
See Inventory Jan. 30, 1808, N.J.Cal.Wills 1806-1809, page 66, referring to File 10567 G. Inventory, $1,370.65; made by James Ross, Jr. and Daniel Baker. Sworn to by Jonathan Woodruff and Charity Clark, Adm'rs, Jan 16, 1809, with notation that
Charity Clark signed by mark.
See Essex County Deed Book R page 246 (1810) Matthias and Charity Clark to Charles Clark. It was deed putting into effect Orphans Court ruling of 2nd Tuesday of January 1810 requiring that Charity Clark (with Jonathan Woodruff as her
representative) must sell 5 acres of land at vendue to help pay for her husband's estate debts. She did so on 12 April 1810 and Charles Clark was the highest bidder. [The five acre parcel sold for $75.00 at a public vendue at Charles Gilman's
Clark notebook collected by Emma Reed Clark, has following from his war records:
Lived at Schenectady, N.Y. during Rev. War. Vol. 3, page 66, Public Papers of George Clinton.
Matthias Clark, Lieut. of N.Y. line, 2nd Regiment, under Col. Philip Van Cortland. (N.Y. in the Revolution as Colony and State, Vol. 1, page 29).
Certificate No. 44047 - for 8S, 10 1/2 d, issued to Matthias Clark for services as Private in Capt. John Brinckerhoff's Co. of Abraham Brinckerhoff's Regiment. (Certificates of Treasurer Manuscript Record) in Albany, N.Y.
Matthias Clark noted as 1st Lieut. of Capt. Lyons Co., and is mentioned as being esteemed a very good officer under list of the Officers of the N.Y. Regiments, who served in Canada and the Rank they held who are unprovided for. Dated Monday
Morning Oct. 28, 1776.
Matthias Clark noted as of the 1st Regiment, New York line, Rank - 10th, 1st Lieut. Document dated 1775 [In N.Y. State Library from letter dated June 5, 1925, to Mrs. Guy M. Howard, from Edw. F. Rouse, Head of Manuscript and History Section].
Matthias Clark, 1st Lieut, noted as having been erased from list of Philip Van Cortlandt's 1st Regiment N.Y. line on account of promotion, resignation, or death. [Letter from Edw. F. Rouse, dated June 5, 1925].
Francis B. Heitman, Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army, p.157:
"Clark, Matthias (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776; never joined the latter regiment and was dropped."
NOTE: On footstone erected in front of gravestone, he is called Capt., but all records indicate that the highest grade he attained during the Revolutionary War was Lieut. This may be explained with reference to "Charles Clark Papers as
Collected by Charles A. Philhower", published in Gleanings [of Gen. Soc. of the West Fields], Vol. X No. 5. This references the Essex County list of militia for New Jersey in Norton's "New Jersey in 1793". It includes "Item Two: A Return of the
Company of Infantry of Westfield Commanded by Capt. Matthias Clark: Westfield, Feb. 1, 1793". (listing 63 men in that company). Thus Matthias' service as Captain was in N.J. after the war.
Note: Monnette, page 1051, in listing "Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in the Rahway Cemetery on St. George Ave." incorrectly shows Matthias Clark as buried in Rahway. [One of Monnette's numerous errors]. He is buried in the Old Colonial
Cemetery in Westfield, N.J.
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 2

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