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Notes for John Mersereau CLARK

Will dated 22 July 1806, N.J. Cal. Wills 1806-1809, page 65. Executor -- John
Marsh Clark (son of Robert Clark). Witnesses William Chetwood, Ephraim
Clark, Isaac Ross. [Will 10396G]
Revolutionary War soldier; marker on grave [1961]. Associated DAR application
states that he served in the New Jersey Militia and the Continental Army.
Calendar of Wills, 1806-1809, Vol XL, p65, NJ Archives, Will file 10396G
1806, July 22. Clark, John M., of Rahway, Essex Co.; will of. Wife (unnamed), riding chair, 3 cows and use of residue of real and personal estate, during her life, for maintaining and educating my 2 sons, Abraham and Benjamin and my daughter,
Rachel. March and meadow in Bergen Co. to be sold to pay debts. Son, Cornelius, use and benefit of such part of my real estate he now occupies, during the life of my widow. Son, Andrew, colt, oxen and farming utensils. Son, Jacob, black mare; also
should he marry during the life of my widow, the use of the same quantity of land now occupied by my son, Cornelius or any part of my place called the Winans place. After the decease of my wife; eldest daughter, Jane Skinner (wife of Richard Skinner)
L150: remainder of estate to be divided between daughter, Rachel and sons, John, Joseph, Cornelius, Jacob, Andrew, Abraham and Benjamin in equal shares; sons, John and Joseph, each to pay L100 for which is to be divided between my other sons. Executor
- John Marsh Clark (son of Robert Clark). Witnesses - William Chetwood, Ephraim Clark, Isaac Ross.
1806, July 24. Codicil. Wife, winter grain, corn and potatoes of the year's growth; also hay for the horse and cows. Son, Andrew, the oats he raised on shares. Witness - John Terrill. Proved Aug. 2, 1806.
1806, Aug. 11. Inventory, $1,593.62; made by Robert Clark and John Mann.
[Shopkeeper's License from NJSA copied 4/16/10]
John M. Clark
Elizth Town
Whereas John Mersereau Clark of the Borough
of Elizabeth, Essex County and State of New Jersey, is
desirous of keeping a Shop oor Store where he now lives
We the subscribers, freeholders of the aforesaid
Borough County and State, do recommend the said John
Mersereau Clark, as a sober honest Citizen, and a zealous
frriend to the Liberties of his Country, And We humbly pray
that the Court will be pleased to grant him a License
Elizh. Town Jany. 9th 1781
John Clawson
Joseph Tooker
Aaron Winas [Winans?]
Matthias Townley
John Winans
Benjamin Winans
William Stiles
Thomas Huges [Hughes?]
Daniel Halsey
Daniel Spinning
Ephraim Terrill
John Remington
Edward Townly [Townley?]
William Pool
Jabish Marsh
21 February 1795 (recorded 5 July 1804, Bergen Co. S:371)
John Terrel and Sarah, his wife, and John M. Clark, and Rachel, his
wife, of the Borow of Elizabeth in the County of Essex, conveyed to Enogh
G. Vreeland of the precinct of New Barbadoes, for £75, 14 shillings, 10
pence, 18-1/2 acres and 36 perches being a lot of Sedar in New Barnaboes
Precinct on SE side of line of the Boyling Spring. Bounded E by Sedor
Swamp; SW by Philip Berry; NW by Vreeland's own meadow; NE by Henry Berry.
Signed by John Terril, Sarah Terril, John M. Clark, Rachel Clark. Witnessed
by John Outwater, Jacob V. Riper.
1 January 1802 (recorded 12 June 1805, Bergen Co. V:94)
John Mercereau Clark of the Borough of Elizabeth in the County of
Essex, and Rachel, his wife, conveyed to Isaac E. Vreeland, Thomas
Vreeland, Poulis Terhune, Peter Vreeland, Benjamin Vreeland, Abraham
Vreeland, and John B. Getschius, all of the County of Bergen, for £216, 6
shillings, 42 acres strict measure of salt marsh meadow commonly called
Three Square Grass, in the Township of New Barbadoes adjoining Peach Island
Creek, being part of a large tract known by the name of Rosevelt's Tract,
beginning Cedar Swamp line at SE corner of lot heretofor sold by John M.
Clark and John Terrill to Philip Berry. Bounded NW by meadow of Philip
Berry; SW by Cedar Swamp; SE by other meadows of said John M. Clark; NE by
Peach Island Creek. Signed by John M. Clark, Rachel Clark. Witnessed by
Rebecca Ballard, Jereh Ballard.
24 February 1800 (recorded 24 September 1805, Bergen Co. V:273)
John M. Clark and Rachel, his wife, of the County of Essex,
conveyed to John A. Berry of New Barbadoes Township, for $400, 10 acres
strict measure, of cedar swamp, part of a large tract known as Rosevelt's
Sedor Swamp in the Township of New Barbadoes. Bounded NW by land of Albert
Van Voorhis; SW by ditch line; SE by Sedor Swamp of said John M. Clark; NE
by Brushe Swamp of said Clark. Signed by John M. Clark. Witnessed by John
Outwater, Jacob Outwater
3 September 1796 (recorded 5 July 1804, Bergen Co. S:375)
John Terrel and Sarah, his wife, and John M. Clark and Rachel, his
wife, of Borogh of Elizabeth, County of Essex, conveyed to Enogh G.
Vreeland of New Barbadoes precinct, for £241, 50 acres, whereas parties of
the first part did purchase tract of Sedor Swamp and meadow from the heirs
and devisees of Nicholas Rosevelt, deceased, from City of New York; said
parties of first part now conveye to part of the second part, land lying in
New Barbadoes, adjoining the Boyling Spring line; Berrie Creek. Signed John
Terril, Sarah Terril, John M. Clark, Rachel Clark. Witnessed by Joseph
Herlbert Junr., Jacob Terhuen.
21 February 1795 (recorded 5 July 1804, Bergen Co. S:371)
John Terrel and Sarah, his wife, and John M. Clark, and Rachel, his
wife, of the Borow of Elizabeth in the County of Essex, conveyed to Enogh
G. Vreeland of the precinct of New Barbadoes, for £75, 14 shillings, 10
pence, 18-1/2 acres and 36 perches being a lot of Sedar in New Barnaboes
Precinct on SE side of line of the Boyling Spring. Bounded E by Sedor
Swamp; SW by Philip Berry; NW by Vreeland's own meadow; NE by Henry Berry.
Signed by John Terril, Sarah Terril, John M. Clark, Rachel Clark. Witnessed
by John Outwater, Jacob V. Riper.
See deed Rutgers U. - Alexander Library - Charles Clark papers.

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