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Notes for David HETFIELD

Refer to "The Descendants of Matthais Hatfield" for much information about the descendants of David and Susannah Hetfield. [the book was compiled by Abraham Hatfield, F.G.B.S., and published by the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society in 1954]
David was third son and fourth child of Abraham and Margaret (Winans) Hetfield. He was mentioned in his father's will:
"I give unto my son, David Hetfield, L100 at 8 schillings the ounce to be paid to him when he shall arrive at 21, by my eldest son, Abraham Hetfield, in consideration of the Lands and Tenements gven unto my son Abraham." He was also bequeathed L10 in
another section of the will.
This couple may have been members of the First Presbyterian Church of Rahway.
Mr. Hetfield was captured by British in June 1781. [History of Elizabeth, p. 505]
David Hetfield left a will dated 6 July 1801.
Abraham Hatfield, in "The Descendants of Matthias Hatfield", p. 56, writes:
"The deposition of his property would tend to show that the relations between David and his daughter Susanna and her husband were not of the best. And it is possible that his daughter Margaret and her husband may also be involved as neither
of his daughters are [sic] mentioned as beneficiaries. To substantiate the foregoing, the following is recorded.
1 February 1802 - John Scudder, an heir and pretending to be the legal heir of David Hetfield, deceased, having filed a caveat against the proving the will of David Hetfield in Surrogate's Court 13 October 1801 The Court on motion of Isaac H.
Williamson of Counsel in support of the caveat ordered the hearing.
Isaac H. Williamson, Esq., William Chetwood, Esq., with witnesses in support of the caveat, Porter Stanberry, Alexander Richards, Aaron Winans, Jonathan Oliver, Isaac Price, John Hendricks, Moses Austen, Morris Hetfield, Daniel Marsh,
Ephraim Clark and Edward Clark against Matthias Williamson, Jr., Esq., of Counsel in support of the will with witnesses Amos Morse, David Clark, Joseph Lee, Samuel Kinsey, Daniel Clark, Robert Harrison, Benjamin Brookfield, Daniel Terrell and William
Court adjourned until 10 o'clock on Tuesday, February 2, 1802, when the will was upheld. (Orphans Court Records, Liber A, p. 243.)"

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