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Notes for Daniel Atkinson CLARK

Mentioned in grandfather Daniel Moores, Sr. will 1792.
Clark & Allied Family Ancestors, Field, 1971 (N.J.St.Lib.).
See also Ogden Genealogy, pg. 387. Atkinson or Abraham?
There is also 2 volume set "The Complete Works of Rev. Daniel A. Clark"
edited by his son, James Henry Clark, M.D. [New York, Baker and Scribner,
1846], "with a Biographical Sketch and an Estimate of His Powers as a
Preacher", in Rutgers University, Special Collections.
Use worldcat.org to find him. Sermons are various libraries.
THE REV DANIEL A CLARK Daniel A Clark son of David and Elizabeth Moore Clark was born at Rahway NJ March 1 1779 He graduated at the College of New Jersey now Princeton university in the class of 1808 and at Andover Theological seminary in 181 1 He was
ordained pastor of the Union Congregational church of Weymouth and Braintree Mass January 1 1812 He became pastor of the church in South bury in January 1816 and while there taught gratuitously a large school hoping thus to promote the cause of
education in the vicini537 ty On the termination of his Southbury pastorate he removed to Waterbury and opened the school referred to in the preceding list While here he received invitations to settle from the church in this place and from the churches
in North Haven and in the West parish of Amherst Mass He accepted the call from Amherst and was settled there in January 1820 After the termination of his pastorate in February 1824 he remained at Amherst for a time and published a volume of Conference
Sermons which attained a wide popularity He also spent some time in collecting funds for the permanent establishment of the new college at Amherst and gave largely of his means for its support In June 1826 he was installed pastor of the church in
Bennington Vt and remained there until 1830 After two years spent in Troy and Utica he became pastor in July 1832 of the Presbyterian church in Adams NY but ill health compelled his retirement after a year of service and from this time onward he was
unable to do the work of a pastor In 1833 he removed to New York city where his children were living and there suffered an attack of paralysis He spent the winter of 1834 and 35 in Charleston S C and the winter of 1837 and 38 in New Haven but returned
to New York in the spring of 1838 and died there of ossification of the arteries of the brain March 3 1840 In June 1812 Mr Clark married Eliza daughter of Dr Jeremiah Barker of Gorham Me Their children were James Henry Horace Francis Edward Payson
Frederick Gorham Mary Elizabeth wife of the Rev Livingston Willard Sereno Barker and two daughters who died in infancy. [The town and city of Waterbury, Connecticut, Volume 2
By Sarah Johnson Prichard, Anna Lydia Ward, pp. 536-7]

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