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Notes for Isaac Newton CLARK

See Isaac Newton Clark: a personal sketch...
By Isaac Newton Clark, Philip Wendell Crannell
I was born in Clinton County Indiana October 13 1833 the third son and fourth child of David Condit and Mary Eliza Clark My father was of English ancestry and my mother of an old German Lutheran family many relatives on that side of the family still
belonging to the Lutheran Church They moved from Butler County Ohio to Indiana in the fall of 1832 and father purchased of the government 320 acres of land at Congress price a dollar and a quarter per acre Here the home cabin was built residence was
established and the labor of opening a farm was begun in 1832 The land was heavily timbered and to cut this away and bring the ground into a state of cultivation was no small task At that early date the country was scarcely more than an untouched
wilderness with here and there a trace of previous Indian occupation Inhabitants were few and widely scattered Twelve months had passed before my parents learned that there was a neighboring resident nearer than five miles from our cabin A wandering
ing cow with a bell swinging to her neck came through the undisturbed forest one day and father thinking that she was lost followed her trail coming at length to a newly built cabin An acquaintance was quickly formed with the newcomers which
strengthened to friendship with the flight of many succeeding years Very rapidly thereafter lands were purchased and settlements were made in that community Everything was new and comforts home furnishings and conveniences were not in these hastily
constructed shacks and unhewn cabins Indeed they were hardly reachable besides the fact that the getting of the rude tenement ....[Isaac Newton Clark: a personal sketch By Isaac Newton Clark, Philip Wendell Crannell]

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