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Notes for John CLARK

Doty genealogy states that he was born 1752
Moved to Wilkes-Barre area in 1783, acccording to:
Historical Record ...: the early history of Wyoming valley and ..., Vols. 4-6
page 176, which reporrts a Clark family reunion held in 1896.
CLARK FAMILY REUNION Daily Record Sept 7 1896 John Clark moved from New Providence NJ to Wilkes Barre in 1783 and to Plains Township In 1791 at which latter place he died In 1S18 On Saturday 5th Inst fRs descendants to the number of 125 met at Harvey's
I ake for their second annual reunion The ra in interfered somewhat with the arrangements but an enjoyable time was had by all Stephen Clark and wife of Falls Wyoming County each 80 years old Callsta Clark of Beaumont Wyoming County past 7S Jane Clark
of Beaumont and John Williams and wife of Plains Township over 70 enjoyed the meeting equally with those of younger years The family meeting was held at 2 pm In one of the pavilions on the picnic ground and addresses were made by various members of the
family Orcutt's Grove camp ground on the old Philemon Clark homestead was agreed upon for next year's meeting John M Clark of Beaumont was elected president of the association and GJ Clark of Luzerne Bor ongrh secretary No deaths have occurred In the
family since the last meeting The reunion closed with all Joining In singing God Be with You Till We Meet Again The following were in attendance Sidney Mears Scranton Mrs JR Meredith of Dagus Mines Elk County Mrs Melissa Farr of Forkston Wyoming County
Miss Mary Newton East Orange NJ Mrs Frank Shaw and family of Sayre Mrs Melissa Major and family of Dorranceton Mrs Judson Pace of Mayfleld Pa Stephen Clark and wife and Mrs Lizzie Turn and family of Falls Wyoming County Mrs George Cook and family of
Tunkhannock George Orcutt and family Mrs Lyman Lutes Hiram Mosier and wife and daughter of Bowman's Creek William Jackson and family EH Clark anil family Mrs Jane Clark Mrs Callsta Clark GF Clark and son John M Clark and family Elisha Mathers and
family SG Freeman and family Mrs Kurunla Richards and family of Beaumont, Joseph Winters and family of Centremoreland Frank Gay and family William Gay and wife and William Brace and family of Franklin Township LD Kocher and wife and Lewis Kocher and
family of Ruggles Hamilton Kocher and wife of Harvey's Lake George B Sehooley and wife Mrs Frank llolschuh VI G Jaquish and family GJ Clark and family and James Turner of Tjuzerne Borough ED Sehooley and family and DS Clark and family of Kingston RB
Huff and family and Warren J Baker anj wife of Town Hill RH Clark and family of Plains George Clark and family John Williams and wife and Sybil Clark of Plalnsvllle Arthur Clark and family of Forty Fort John F Clark and family of West Pittston Miles
Vantuy and family of South Eaton Mr and Mrs Van Sickle and child of Pittston Letters were read from JB Doty of New Columbus Mrs RM Rowland of Forreston Ogle County 111 and John W Clark of Scranton [see books.google.com - Historical Record ...: the
early history of Wyoming valley and ..., Volumes 4-6]
CLARK FAMILY REUNION John Clark and wife came to Wllkes Barre about 1783 or 1784 and lived about seven years on what is now North Main street near Union In 1791 he moved to Plains Township and settled on the farm where he died His six children settled
In different parts of the country Aaron in New York State Philemon at Bowman's Creek in Wyoming County on the farm where Or cutt's Grove camp meeting is now held George in Ohio Sybil wife of David Doty in Huntington Township Lu zerne County Sally wife
of John Os borne In New Jersey John Jr in Plains Township where h died in 1878 There are a large number of descendants of these settlers living in Wyoming Lackawanna and Luzerae counties who held a family centennial on the old Clark farm in Plains
Township In 1891 John M Clark of Beaumont Wyoming County Lucy A Kocher of Harvey's Lake and others of the family have arranged to have a family reunion and picnic at Harvey's Lake on Saturday Sept 7 this year where the older members of the family may
renew memories and the younger members become acquainted with each other and see their numerous cousins

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