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Notes for Samuel SCHUREMAN

See this family Green Valley, Tazwell County, Illinois 1880.
Appears to be livingas a wodiwer in Dillon Twp., Tazewell County, Illinois in
Samuel Schureman, farmer and stock raiser, sec. 35 ; P. O., Green
Valley ; was born in Essex Co., N. J., March 1, 1818. His parents
were John and Jane Schureman, natives of N. J. Mr. S. received
a common school education in his native State, and was united in
marriage May 15, 1845, to Cornelia H. Dickinson, a daughter of
Philomen and Cornelia (Howel) Dickinson, of Essex Co., N. J.
Mrs. Schureman died Oct. 27, 1858. She was the mother of five
chihlren — Mary E., born Feb. 1, 184G; Alice, born Jan. 28, 1848;
John \y., born Jan. 3, 1851, Avho died while an inflint of one year;
William H., born Sept. 11, 1863; Charles E., born Oct. 25, ISod.
Mrs. S. was a member of the Presbyterian Church at the time of
her death. Mr. S. was again married March 30, 1865, to Deborah
Osborn, daughter of John and Sarah (dark) Osborn, of N. J.
With a stout heart and a determined will Mr. S. has made life a
success. [History of Taewell County, Illinois]
DOB/DOD on granite monument.

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