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Notes for Henry D. TURN

Merchant in Falls, Wyoming Co., PA.
From FAG:
Scranton Republican, Tuesday, July 16, 1889
Henry TURN, who died here last week aged 45 years, was the merchant and postmaster, and will be greatly missed in business circles, but most of all in the church and Sunday School, where he was always present and labored for the good of the people. The
funeral services were held on Friday, at Falls M. E. church, Rev. Christopher officiating, assisted by Revs. Brown (Presbyterian) and Lyman of Tunkhannock, and Rev. Gendall, of Dallas. A large number of Masons were present, who, with the Temple
Commandery band, of Tunkhannock, participated in the ceremony. He was buried with Masonic honors in the Roberts' cemetery, about two miles above Falls. He leaves a wife and four children, two boys ad two girls. Mr. John TURN, from Springfield, PA, has
returned to his home. He was here to attend to his son's funeral"
Middle name perhaps "Depew."

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