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Notes for Susannah LYON

1776, Oct. 8. Morehouse, Susannah, of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co.;
will of. Daughter, Abigail Morehouse, the homestead where I live,
of 12 acres, except 2 acres next to William Halsted, and % of my
personal estate. Grandchildren, Mary Hardey, Joseph Tenrub Hardey,
the land joining Samuel Lyon, of 25 acres; and also the Salt Meadow
in Elizabeth Town Great Meadows; also 2 acres to be taken off of the
south side of my homestead; also % of my personal estate; but, if
they die before they are 21, then their portions to go to my grand-
daughters, Abbey Morehouse, Hannah, Elizabeth, Joanna, Abigail and
Rhoda Baldwin, children of Jonas Baldwin. Granddaughter, Rhoda
Baldwin, 40 shillings, when 18. Granddaughter, Abbey Morehouse,
40 shillings, when 18. Son, Ebenezer Wade [perhaps Morehouse?], 20 shillings. Daughter,
Abigail Morehouse, my friends, Samuel Lyon and John Potter, son of
elder John Potter, to be Guardians of my grandchildren, Mary Hardey
and Joseph T. Hardey. Executors — daughter, Abigail, Samuel Lyon
and John Potter. Witnesses — John Potter, Daniel Dayton, Elisha
Boudinot. Proved June 21, 1777.
Perhaps had son Ebenezer Lyon Morehouse who m. Esther Baldwin. See Littell.
Probably a second wife. Some say Rebecca Ogden was his first wife.

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