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Notes for Jonathan CLARK

He left one son and one daughter. GMNJ 7:102. During Mexican War Jonathan Clark enlisted and was wounded in an Indian fight in New Mexico. June 6, 1863 he was commissioned Surgeon of the First Battalion of California Volunteers, and served
three years with the rank of Major. In 1872 he
became a member of the Loyal Legion of the State of California.
In his will, dated 3 August 1883, he appointed his son William S. Clark as his executor, and bequeathed his "camphor bureau" to him. After payment of his debts, all the remainder of his estate was to be split equally between his wife Maria, his
son William Squire Clark, and his daughter Eliza Clark. The instrument was witnessed by J.W. Henderson and George A. Kellogg, both residents of Eureka.
See "The Diary of Dr. Jonathan Clark" in "The Argonaut",Aug1, 8, 15, 22, 1925

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