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Notes for John CLARK

Abstract of John Clark's will from "Calendar of Wills 1814-1817":
"1814, Apr. 9. Clark, John, of Springfield, Essex Co.; will of. Son James, all homestead farm on which I live (except 6 acres off upper end near the school house, adjoining the road from Springfield to Westfield, to extend the line of Philip Denman and
adjoining the road from said schoolhouse to Connecticut Farms Meeting House, which I gave to my grandson James Clark); also to son, James, my negro woman, Nancy and the boy, Ben; also salt marsh in Elizabethtown Great Meadows. To 2 sons, James and
Abraham, salt meadow (8 acres); also residue after debts are paid out of moveable estate. Son, Abraham, 40 acres near his place known as Pierce's place. Mountain lot to be sold and money divided between four grandsons, Thomas, Joseph, John, and William
(sons of my son, John). The share of one dying before 21 and without issue to survivors." Executor - Jonas Wade. Witnesses - Benjamin Sayre, Noah Clark, Joseph Halsey, Sr.. Proved April 19, 1814. [File 10828 G]
Was in NJ Supreme Court lawsuit against brother Noah Clark in 1805:
6559 Clark, Noah (Executor of) (Plaintiff) Noah Clark (Executor) v. John Clark Debt Essex 1805 $10

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