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Notes for Fisher STEDMAN

http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/historic-daguerreotype-of-fisher-stedman-warren-n [accessed 11/8/12]:
Sold 2007 on eBay:
This early 1/6 plate daguerreotype of Fisher Stedman of Warren County, New Jersey is a treasure. Not only do we see Mr. Stedman, in a striped vest, posing with a stack of books, but pinned to the silk lining of the case is an epitaph written in fine
miniature calligraphy! And sewed onto that is a lock of his hair!
And 's what the decorated piece of paper says:
"The only relic of mortality, that affection can snatch from the tomb
Fisher Stedman
Born, on Saturday, September 13th 1788
Died, on Saturday, December 22nd 1849
Aged 61 years, 3 months, and 9 days."
Fisher Stedman was an early owner of a saw mill in Warren County, N.J. on the Pequest River, which was destroyed by fire in 1865 (long after his death). According to the 1911 "History of Independence, N.J. from the History of Warren County, NJ" by
George Wyckoff Cummins in 1911, "Fisher Stedman was the inventor of much of the wood-turning machinery that is in use throughout the world today."
Clearly Mr. Stedman made a good living from his mill and inventions and he could easily afford this great image, which seems to be posed in front of a hanging sheet by an itinerant daguerreotype artist. The image is still sealed and any spots of dust
are on the glass--the image is mint. I wouldn't break the seals, but if this was cleaned by a professional, it might be possible to read the names of the books on the table--which I always find interesting. The hinges of the early case are still
attached although worn.
I was interested to learn that a major early folk portrait in the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. is a great painting by Asahel Powers of Hannah Fisher Stedman, datedf 1833. I assume that this must be the daughter of Fisher Stedman. I will
send to the winner of this image all the information I have on the family and the portrait.
I believe this unqiue historic dag would be a great addition to anyone's collection, but as always, if the buyer is not delighted and lets me know within seven days i will return all money less the cost of shipping (which is $7.00.) Please check out my
other auctions which will include some rare and beautiful cases.
This record brings the marriage to Mary COry in question:
groom's name: Fisher Stedman
groom's birth date:
groom's birthplace:
groom's age:
bride's name: Jane Ryken
bride's birth date:
bride's birthplace:
bride's age:
marriage date: 23 Dec 1820
marriage place: , Essex, New Jersey
groom's father's name:
groom's mother's name:
bride's father's name:
bride's mother's name:
groom's race:
groom's marital status:
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race:
bride's marital status:
bride's previous husband's name:
indexing project (batch) number: M52603-1
system origin: New Jersey-VR
source film number: 914211
reference number: 2:DZZD17
"At Vienna, on the 22d ult. Mr. Fisher Stedman, aged 62 years."
[3 January 1850 notice in the Warren Journal [Belvidere, Warren County, NJ ]]
Listed in 1850 Mortality Schedule for Warren County. He was a "turner" who
died of consumption.

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