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Notes for Noah CLARK

Marriage to Mary and names and dates of childrens' birth records from
"Account Book" of Noah Clark in the Stockton Collection at the New Jersey
Historical Society. Actually this is a transcript of a portion of the account
book, which was at one time in the possession of P.N. Golden, 46 Clinton
Place, Newark, NJ. (a descendant?)
There was a Noah Clark in Springfield, NJ 1840 and 1850 who fits.
Next door is Elias Tooker and family. Note that Noah's dau. m. ---- Tooker.
The bill was filed to compel Elizabeth M Clark the widow of Noah Clark the complainant's testator to elect between her dower aud a legacy in the will Elizabeth M Clark by her answer insists that she is entitled to the legacy as well as her dower The
will is as follows In the name of God amen I Noah Clark of the township of Springfield in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey being in good health sound mind and disposing memory for which I thank God who has so favored me and duly considering
the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for man once to
die and the time when very uncertain do make and publish this my last will and testament First of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it my body I commit to the earth to be buried in a christianlike and decent manner at the
discretion of my executor and as touching such wordly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and dispose of in the following manner Second I direct that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid Third I give
devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth M Clark six hundred dollars at the end of six months after my decease and my gold watch which she carries and the silver teaspoons the two sets of window blinds in the back room and the hall lamp which
she brought me at or after our marriage and her acceptance of the above gift shall for ever exclude her from any further demands on my estate Fourth I give devise and bequeath to my eldest daughter Mary P Smith the interest or dividend of twenty shares
of my bank stock in Elizabeth State Bank whom I hereby authorize to receive and receipt for the same and no other person Fifth And at Mary P Smith's decease I give and bequeath the interest or dividend of the above named twenty shares of bank stock to
be equally divided between Elizabeth Stephens and Benjamin C Crane to be receipted for with their own hands and no other person Sixth I give devise and bequeath to my grand daughter Abigail 0 Crane the interest or dividend of seventeen shares of bank
stock in the above said bank to be receipted for with her own hand and no other person and if either Elizabeth C Stephens Abigail O Crane or Benjamin C Crane should die not leaving a lawful heir in that case their interest and benefit in my estate
shall descend to the survivors or survivor of the longest liver And at the death of my three grandchildren Elizabeth C Stephens Abigail O Crane and Benjamin C Crane I give devise and bequeath the twenty shares of bank stock last mentioned to be equally
divided amongst the lawful heirs the children of the three that is then living at the decease of the last of the three and if these should leave no lawful heirs then and in that case I order that the twenty shares be divided as the surplus according to
the last section of this my will Seventh I give devise and bequeath two thousand dollars to my daughter Elizabeth S Morris Eighth I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Permelia C Hedges two thousand dollars Ninth I give devise and bequeath to my
grand daughter Mary Permelia Clark of St Francisville if she should arrive at the age of eighteen years five hundred dollars Tenth I give devise and bequeath to the Bible Society of Xew York one thousand dollars on the following condition that the
directors thereof shall furnish the whole value of that sum in Bibles and by and under the direction of said society the Bibles shall be sent at their discretion to any place or country where they shall net and afford the highest price the amount and
proceeds shall be returned and remitted to the society again which society shall again furnish its value in Bibles and again send them to the best market and so continue to furnish the worth of the proceeds until the world is furnished with Bibles or
until the whole sum is lost in deficiencies and said society shall be under obligations to report once a year the number of Bibles furnished and sold and the state of the fund at the end of each year through the Missionary Herald at their own yearly
report a copy of which shall be sent my executor Eleventh I order and direct the remainder of my ob ligations my house and lands to be converted with the moveables into money and divided amongst my heirs as follows one third part to be put out at
interest secured by bond and mortgage the interest of which shall be paid to Abigail O Crane and Elizabeth C Stephens during their lives and if either should have lawful children they shall receive the principal with the uncollected interest that may
remain and one third part to Permelia C Hedges and one third part to John D Norris for his services in settling my estate Twelfth I constitute and appoint John D Norris my sole executor whom I authorize to execute my will and do all things pertaining
to my estate In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal January fifth one thousand eight hundred and forty nine [Reports of cases decided in the Court of Chancery of the state of ..., Volume 10
By New Jersey. Court of Chancery, Nathaniel Saxton]

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