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"Keeping American history alive, one good book at a time!"

Notes for Ann B. AVERDT

The following proposal was written by Charles Edward Clark to his future second wife, Ann B. Averdt:

"Nov. 15, 1835

Dear Miss Ann;

I have for sometime wished to open my mind to you but through timidity I have put it off. I take this
opportunity of dropping you a few lines to inform you that I have become very dissatisfied with my
present situation of life and feel that I cannot reconcile myself to live in my present situation if I can
procure one who will be willing to join in with me to share with me the joys as well as the ills of life.
Dear Miss Ann, I have selected you as the one of my choice. O! - can you like me well enough to join
in with me, to share the joys as well as the ills of life? THe satisfaction it will render me will be more
than I can express. Believe me when I tell you tha it is from pure love that I leave you with these lines.
I want you if you please to make up your mind at once and let me know before I leave.
I conclude by subscribing myself friend and well wisher.

Charles Edward Clark"


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